
Grand Opening! Seven Summits Centre for Learning celebrates its new home on November 8

Rossland Telegraph
By Rossland Telegraph
October 31st, 2017

Tours of the school's new premises, cake, a slide-show of  "before and after" the renovations,  some information on the building's history, short speeches, a ribbon-cutting and an award presentation; Rossland's own community-generated school invites  everyone to join the celebrations at  7:00 pm on November 8, 2017.

The landmark St. Andrews Church building still accommodates services for worshippers, but  now serves more of the community in an additional role by housing  the Seven Summits Centre for Learning.

This Rossland school  is now part of School District 71's "Navigate" program, also known as NIDES (North Island Distance Education School).  It's an award-winning blended education program which provides all the educational programming for Seven Summits and  has enabled expanded  offerings for students.

NIDES Principal Jeff Stewart  will be there from Vancouver Island and will speak briefly.

Another highlight of the evening will be presentation of the Governor General Award for academic excellence to Bronwyn Moore, who graduated in June, 2017. Bronwyn earned this prestigious medal  by achieving the highest  marks for SD 71 NIDES, which covers the entire province, for the 2016 – 17 school year.  She is currently studying Economics at UBC, and will be attending the celebration virtually ― members of her family will be there in person, though, to accept the medal on her behalf.


Bronwyn Moore.  Photo by Jennifer Margaret Photography.

When she was in Grade 11 at the Seven Summits Centre for Learning, Bronwyn was one of the 701 exceptional students from across Canada to participate in the SHAD program. (See this article for more details on SHAD and how students get to take part.)

This grand opening marks a community milestone, worth celebrating by all who support maintaining K-12  education in Rossland.

Categories: EducationGeneral