
Letter: Urgent need for understanding and cooperation

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
August 8th, 2017

To The Editor:


August 6th marked the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945.


The “official” story presents this bombing as a way to end the Second World War. I question this interpretation chiefly because Hiroshima was not a military target, it was a city inhabited largely by women, children and the elderly.


Following this event there was a rapid buildup of nuclear weapons. Since this the world has lived under the constant threat of nuclear annihilation.


The effect that this has on our collective mental health cannot be overstated. I compare this to a hostage taking incident. People that are subjected to a hostage taking incident are candidates for post traumatic stress disorder.


Consider that in this “hostage taking” the hostages are the entire human race. This begs the question: “who are we being protected from ?”


Most people cope with this by blocking it from our awareness. The threat however remains real and forms a background tension that negatively impacts all aspects of our lives.


We urgently need to build a foundation of understanding and cooperation that can lead us toward worldwide peace. This is a process that we all must involve ourselves in.


 Dave Carter, Castlegar, BC

Categories: LettersOp/Ed

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