
Brrr...skating at the arena has begun!

Rossland Recreation
By Rossland Recreation
October 10th, 2012

The Rossland Arena is now open and Public Skating has begun!  If you’re interested in getting on the ice, Public Skating is on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45pm, Fridays from 5:00-6:30pm, Sundays from 2:30-4:00pm and again on Sunday evening from 6:00-7:30pm.  Rental skates are available for $2.00 if you don’t have your own.   The Sunday, 2:30-4:00pm Public Skating session sometimes cancels due to Tournaments.  Please check the City’s website, at; www.rossland.ca, City Hall, Arena – for weekly updates. 

If you’re a parent of a teenager, consider heading to Trail on Thursday, October 18 to hear Gary Anaka, a brain based learning facilitator, talk about the Magical Teenage Brain.  His talk includes information about how today’s high schools are full of teenagers struggling with learning challenges, fragile brain issues, boredom or stress.  He’ll share information about how teachers and parents can unlock and engage the adolescent “digital” brain.  The teenage brain is undergoing huge changes and is a work in progress!   If you have a teenager and are looking for answers and information – make sure you take advantage of this free session.  Gary will be presenting in the Theatre at Crowe, at 7:00pm on Thursday, October 18.  Admission is with a donation to the local food bank.

Co-Ed Adult Drop in Hockeyhas started!  Join a great group of people for a fun, co-ed hockey program on Tuesday and Sunday nights.  Tuesdays, the program runs from 9:45-11:00pm and on Sundays from 9:15-10:30pm.  Cost is $10.00 drop in or $80.00 for a 10 punch pass available from one of the Coordinators, or from the Recreation Department. 

The Recreation Department would like to expand the Gymnastics programs, but need more Instructors in order to do that.  There is a Level 1 Gymnastics Coaching course coming up in Trail on October 27-28.  This is a Foundations 1 course.  For more information or to register, please email cdubinsky@gymnastics.bc.caor call Catherine Dubinsky at 604-333-3493. 

Guideshas returned to Rossland with three new Leaders!  Guides is for girls in grades 4, 5 and 6 and meets on Mondays from 6:30-8:00pm at RSS, in the Cafeteria.   For girls ages 9 to 11 years, Guides provides girls with opportunities to start developing leadership abilities by making decisions about Unit activities, learning to organize events and teaching each other new skills. The Guide program includes activities that deal with cyber-safety, anti-bullying, self-esteem, health and fitness and environmental sustainability. Guides also have opportunities to take a stand on issues important to them and to make the world a better place through community service projects and volunteering at local events.  For more information, please contact Tammie at dtgibson@telus.net.

The Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club is getting ready for the 2012/2013season!  The Bunny/Jackrabbit program is run by volunteers who need your help.  The club will provide the Introduction to Community Coaching (ICC) and the Community Coaching (CC) training for free.  The ICC course starts Oct.19/12.   If you are interested in coaching, please call Jennifer Schleppe at 250-362-7377 or email at rosslandca@hotmail.com.

Senior’s Duffer Hockey starts this week, on Friday October 12 at 9:30am.  If you love to play hockey and you’re over 50, this is the game for you!   Players with varying skills are encouraged to come out and play with other “older” players in the spirit of fellowship and sportsmanship.  All abilities are encouraged and welcome! 

If you have clean, returnable drinking containers, don’t forget the drop off available at the back of RSS, in the marked bin.  RSS’s sports teams and extra-curricular clubs use the monies collected from the bin to offset the expense of tournaments, field trips, entrance fees and travel.   

The Recreation Department is still working through some challenging computer software issues that have resulted in the loss of all data for the period August 12 to the end of September.  Although the loss of information is complete, we are prioritizing the issues and are working through a system of re-entering the information.  At the top of the list of concerns, are Miner’s Hall and Arena bookings.  If you have booked an event with the Department for a date in the future, during the months of August and September – for any of the facilities in Rossland – including the Miners Hall, Arena or Arena Lounge – please contact our Department.  If you have ANY concern that we may no longer know about your booking – be it a Birthday Party, Wedding, Reunion, Special Event, Musical performance – please call to confirm.  Our number is 250-362-2327.

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