
Skatepark design unveiled, July 16

By Contributor
July 12th, 2012

After over a year of consultation and planning, the Rossland Skatepark Association (RSA) will be “rolling out” the preliminary designs for Rossland’s skatepark next week.

RSA has invited the public to come Tuesday, July 16, at 7 p.m. to the Miners’ Hall to review the plans and offer their feedback and suggestions.


“We’re really stoked about this design,” said Robin Strachan, a member of the group’s Board. “The idea of the meeting is to get people’s input so we can finalize it, but even at the draft stage I know people are going to be really excited to see what’s on the table.”


The preliminary designs were created for the RSA by Spectrum Skateparks, in a process made possible by grants from Teck, Rossland Rotary and Telus.


Spectrum has created and built some local favourites in the Kootenays, including Slocan Park and Kaslo, as well as such award-winning gems as the Calgary Millennium Park and Winnipeg’s Fort Gary Park.


The Vancouver-based company has created 3-D visuals of the proposed design, which includes a small street section and an extensive series of flowing bowls and tracks. The plans also include greenscaping around the park itself.


For further information contact Aaron Cosbey (acosbey@telus.net) or Robin Strachan(robin@skaterossland.com).


Categories: GeneralIssuesSports