
Pulling together to pull out the Hound's Tongue!

By Contributor
August 16th, 2010

 The Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee (CKIPC) would like to thank the Rossland Rotary Club and the Rossland Interact Club for their hard work pulling Common teasel and Hound’s tongue in and around Rossland on July 19th, 2010. Over 30 people came out to pull these two invasive plant species, and their combined efforts allowed us to treat approximately 1 hectare of sensitive reptilian habitat.

This sensitive habitat (located in the grasslands surrounding the Green Door trail), is home to an abundance of listed reptile species including the western skink, rubber boa, and racer.  Teasel and hounds tongue are aggressive exotic species that have the capacity to take over prairies and savannas if allowed to become established. Lack of natural enemies allows these invasive species to proliferate.

If left unchecked, these plants can quickly form large monocultures excluding native vegetation and therefore altering the ecosystems that these listed reptile species depend on for survival. The CKIPC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Columbia Basin Trust, a regional corporation created to deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to the residents of the Columbia Basin.

If your community group is interested in participating in a Community Pulling event, please contact Jennifer Vogel, at 250.362.5624 or check out www.kootenayweeds.com for more information.

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