City/Sustainability Commission Sponsor Climate Event
The City of Rossland is calling for contributors to participate in Change Shorts – Short Performances on the Subject of Life, Laundry and Climate Change. The show will be Rossland’s contribution to the International Day of Climate Action on October 24th with thousands of other communities around the world. The City of Rossland Sustainability Commission is co-sponsoring the event.
Rossland has chosen to make the event a celebration of community and the potential for change. We are welcoming singers, actors, filmmakers and speakers to come and showcase their talents. Skits, songs, short films and stand-up acts regarding climate change no more than ten minutes in length are welcome. Performances can be individual or group efforts. The show will address both the light and serious sides of climate change. Themes for contributions could include – confessions of a time-stressed, lapsed environmentalist, visions of Rossland in 2100 as a tropical vacation paradise, and the joys of trying to raise green kids.
The show will run from 7:00 to 10:00 pm on Saturday, October 24th at the Miners’ Hall. Please contact Jennifer Ellis at by September 23, 2009 if you want to reserve a slot as a performer.
The global day of action is coordinated by, an international campaign to create an equitable global climate treaty that lowers carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back to safe levels. 350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide–measured in “Parts Per Million” in our atmosphere. The world has already exceeded the 350 level and now efforts need to be made to get that back down.
The International Day of Climate Action will take place in hundreds of iconic places around the world from the Taj Mahal to the Great Barrier Reef.
International organizers chose October 24th because critical climate meetings are taking place in Copenhagen in December. Governments will be finalizing their positions in October and November. This is a chance to influence what our leaders present to the world.
It will be an evening of local fun and talent with international implications. Food and refreshments will be available. Everyone is welcome to participate in this fun and casual community event. Come and be part of the difference!
If you would like more information please visit the Visions to Action website or contact
Jennifer Ellis, the Strategic Sustainability Plan Project Manager.