Columbia Basin Trust Partners with Non-Profits
(Columbia Basin) – Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is proud to announce a new three-year partnership with Enterprising Non-Profits (enp), a granting program that seeks to assist non-profit organizations operating a social enterprise.
“In preparing our recently released Social Strategic Plan, non-profits
told us they needed a variety of tools and resources to help them become
more sustainable,” said Neil Muth, CBT President and CEO. “enp
understands the unique issues and challenges facing this sector, and
will help us support Basin non-profits in getting the technical
assistance and advise they need to be successful. From businesses that
employ youth at risk to thrift shops that raise funds for charitable
causes, many non-profits in our region are running or considering
running a social enterprise.”
enp provides grants of up to $10,000 to non-profit organizations in BC
that are interested in starting or expanding a social enterprise
business. CBT will support this program with $285,000 over the next
three years.
“This program has already helped several non-profits in the Columbia
Basin, and with CBT’s partnership and support we’ll be able to do that
much more,” said David LePage, Program Manager, enp. “There are a
growing number of non-profits who are looking at social enterprise as a
business model that helps them better fulfill their mission and support
their financial sustainability and we know that when non-profits adhere
to business principles they can be successful and sustainable.”
Social enterprise refers to business ventures operated by non-profits,
whether they are societies, charities, or co-operatives. These
businesses sell goods or provide services in the market for the purpose
of creating a blended return on investment, both financial and social.
Their profits are returned to the business or to a social purpose,
rather than maximizing profits to shareholders.
enp is hosting two workshops in the Basin: one in Revelstoke on March 24
and one in Cranbrook on April 29. These workshops are open to anyone
eager to learn more about this program and how enp can help start or
expand a social enterprise. Attendance at this workshop is mandatory for
eligibility for an enp grant. For more information on the workshops or
on enp, visit
enp is a partnership of nine funders including: CBT, Coast Capital
Savings, United Way of the Lower Mainland, Vancity Community Foundation, Vancity Credit Union, Vancouver Foundation, Western Economic Diversification Canada, North Development Initiative Trust and one anonymous funder.
For more information on CBT’s Social Strategic Plan visit
CBT delivers economic, social, and environmental benefits to the
residents of the Columbia Basin. To learn more about CBT programs and
initiatives, visit or call