
Column: Resolutions for a better 2024?

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Anyone resolve to help overthrow consumer capitalism? If we come together and resolve to do better for each other and the planet, we could find a better path. It would be easier if the gas, oil and coal industries and their supporters would resolve to clean up their […]

Bear behaviour and climate change: we need to learn more

By Douglas Clark, University of Saskatchewan (first published in The Conversation) In 1967, two simultaneous grizzly bear attacks in Montana’s Glacier National Park launched an era of research into human-bear conflicts. Studies showed the importance of stopping two specific bear behaviours: food conditioning and habituation to people. Those pioneering findings translated readily into advice and […]

Province supports climate-emergency readiness project in Rossland

To help strengthen resilience against climate-related hazards, the Province is providing funding to the City of Rossland for a project to help build climate resilience in the community. Rossland will receive $40,000 to develop a climate action plan and report card, which will include disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation goals, objectives and strategies to […]

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