

New regional economic development function established

The Lower Columbia Community Development Team has established the Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCI). The goals of the LCI include attracting and supporting new businesses, building on existing assets and knowledge and supporting development projects. “ I’m quite pleased with the progress that the LCCDT has made over the last year, “ said Kevin Jolly, Chair, Lower Columbia Community […]

Lighting retrofit reaps rewards for S.D. 20

Up until nine months ago, the lighting in schools across School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) was old and inefficient. Many of the fixtures dated back more than 40 years. So the district embarked on a retrofit project to replace all of the lighting in its 13 schools and maintenance building and install occupancy sensors in each gymnasium. Nine months later, […]

Mir Winter Lecture Series presents Dr. Hugh Brody

The Mir Centre for Peace Winter Lecture Series will be starting its new season on February 23 with internationally recognized scholar, anthropologist, land claims researcher, policy adviser, film-maker and writer, Dr. Hugh Brody. Dr. Hugh Brody will show a segment of his film Meaning of Life and share his research related to aboriginal land claims and aboriginal youth. For the […]

Selkirk Pursues Environmental Sustainability

Selkirk College, along with other educational institutions in North America and the world, is actively pursuing environmental sustainability in all facets of its locations, hoping to reduce its overall impact on the environment.  Last year, the Environmental Sustainability (ES) Committee at Selkirk College hired Renewable Resource Instructor Derek Marcoux, along with two students, Suzanne Fordyce and Jeremy Prahl, to provide […]

Speed not the only problem along 'Million-dollar alley'

Photo by Kyra Hoggan: The traffic coming towards the camera will, in seconds, be hidden from view by the sign in the foreground. This photo was taken from the approximate spot a driver would stop before turning left onto Highway 22 from Minto Road. A new twist has arisen in the controversy regarding Castlegar’s ‘Million-dollar […]

Teck enjoying record profits

The following is a press release from Teck. Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TCK.A and TCK.B, NYSE: TCK) announced net earnings of $1.8 billion, or $3.42 per share, for 2009 and $411 million, or $0.70 per share, in the fourth quarter. Our operating profit before depreciation was approximately $3.7 billion for the year and $1.0 billion […]

ATAMANENKO: Afghanistan

It is hard to imagine that before the 1979 Soviet invasion, Afghanistan was a country where many ethnic groups and tribes lived in harmony with their neighbours. They had a subsistence economy and a central government. Unlike today there was no sign of extremist inspired suicide bombings or a heroin based economy. It took thirty […]

LETTER: Parents join together to address education and schools

Dear Boundary Citizens, There has been many many issues and decisions made over the last 15-20 years that have affect our children. Years before that, one room schools with dedicated teachers, for example Margret Harpur and Agnes White, taught children up in Bridesville and Rock Creek ( Kettle Valley.) Who am I to decide what […]

Letter: Castlegar's medical health officer speaks to local Pertussis outbreak and immunizations

To the Editor: Regarding: Whooping Cough Outbreak and Pertussis Vaccine for Children As a public health specialist physician who is the Medical Health Officer for the Kootenay-Boundary area (including Castlegar), it is my responsibility to ensure all residents of the region get the best health information possible on which to base their decisions for themselves […]

LETTER: Funding cuts unacceptable to local surgeons

Dear editor, It is with great regret that the department of surgery must submit this letter. We strongly believe that the public has a right to know what is happening to their surgical services at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Trail. We are a group of highly skilled, specialist surgeons and anaesthetists who have been providing service to the population of the West Kootenay Boundary region and beyond for many years. It is unacceptable that Interior Health now wishes to deny you access to this service by effectively closing 1 / 4 of your operating rooms at KBRH Trail.

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