

22 area residents receive CBT volunteer awards

Thanks to their commitments to volunteering, 22 Basin residents have received money to pursue post-secondary education or training through the 2010 College Community Service Awards (CCSA), funded by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT). The $2,000 awards are available to Basin residents who have taken a hiatus of at least one year after completing high school and wish to continue their […]

BC Greens call on Premier Gordon Campbell legislate changes to the Initiative Act

 “Like others, I was astonished by Premier Campbell’s statement that the result of the Initiative vote on September 24, 2011 will be binding on the government if a simple majority of those voting vote to get rid of the HST,” said Green Party of BC Leader Jane Sterk. “Greens want to know if the comment […]

ATAMANENKO: The divisive politics of the gun registry

The current Bill C-391 to abolish the gun registry appears to be receiving a lot of media attention these days. The Conservative government is cranking up its publicity campaign to abolish the registry, pitting different regions of the country against each other. If we were to look at how this is playing out in the […]

Mir Lecture brings Suzuki to Castlegar

David Suzuki will be engaging audiences in the West Kootenay this September with a thought-provoking talk about an elder’s vision for our sustainable future. The Irving K. Barber lecture featuring David Suzuki is part of Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace Lecture Series. The presentation is founded on his recent book THE...

Kristopher Ede wins Scratch Readers' Choice Award

Kristopher Ede from Invermere takes the prize for the SCRATCH Writing Challenge Readers’ Choice Award. The 18-year-old won this portion of the creative writing challenge, put on by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), with his short story “the girl with the plastic pirate hat and the boy who loved her so.” Ede’s story earned 29 per […]

Cleanup of Teck waste begins at Black Sand Beach: access closed during construction

Pending approval of a final permit, contractors will begin work between Sept. 13 and Sept. 20, 2010 to remove granulated slag at Black Sand Beach on the upper Columbia River. The work is being conducted to clean up polluted material on the beach from the Teck Metals Ltd. (formerly Teck Cominco) smelter in Trail. The […]

Paid propaganda? PART 2: Sun/Province’s disturbing “message”

[Editor's note: Part one of Mr. Oberfeld's column should be right below this one. I decided to print the two simultaneously as this is an important issue and one that will only become more and more urgent as corporate newspapers struggle to survive in an age of declining revenues]It’s no secret that, to any branch of the news...

Sun/Province: real stories or paid-for propaganda?

How do you tell the difference between journalism today and prostitution?  Hmmm...  Sorry: it’s not a joke; there is no punchline; it’s only a question I’ve been asking myself since reading the ”major”  Vancouver  newspapers last weekend.Saturday Aug. 28 on page A-16 in The Vancouver Sun there were two captivating stories: ...

Register now for 'Currents'--CBT's youth water forum

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) invites Basin youth ages 15-29 to sign up now for CURRENTS: Columbia Basin Trust Youth Water Forum 2010, being held at Halcyon Hot Springs in Nakusp, September 24-26, 2010.  “CBT is looking forward to engaging youth in water issues in the Columbia Basin for a second year at CURRENTS,” said Heather Mitchell, CBT Program Manager, Water […]

ATAMANENKO: Living with autism

Autism is the most common neurological disorder that affects children in our nation. Currently, one in every 200 people in Canada has been diagnosed with some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). If we look specifically at children, this number jumps up to one in 165, or .6 per cent of all children. Diagnoses are […]

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