
COMMENT: The West Kootenay's Incredible Shrinking Labour Force

Over the last couple of weeks I have heard several comments about a “mini boom” that will result from development projects such as the Waneta Dam, the expansion at Firebird Technologies in Trail, the new casino in Castlegar and some recovery in the forestry sector. Based on B.C. Stats data, we may have a long […]

Food Friday: Sweet buckwheat crackers

I just have to be honest. I’m a total sucker for buttery, brown sugary goodness, like butter tarts, and pecan squares. I mean, really, who isn’t? If you say you aren’t you’re a liar, and you know it. Well you no longer have to live a lie-filled, deprived life as you try to make healthier […]

Nelson rallies to support democracy in Egypt

On February 11th, the community of Nelson held a rally to support the Egyptian people in their struggle for democracy and freedom from tyranny.  The protestors were determined to make their voices loud enough so that Canadian leaders would hear and pressure Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down as President. Before the news of […]

ATAMANENKO: Canada-US Security

Over the past few months I have talked to people who have experienced difficulties at the US border.  Often this involves having to leave one’s vehicle and being subjected to intense interrogation.  What has, in the past, been a routine “friendly” crossing has turned into a “negative” interrogation by abusive American border guards. There appear […]

LETTER: Conservative candidate questions his exclusion from Nelson CETA forum

Dear Editor, Recently, a local chapter of the Council of Canadians invited me to speak at a forum about CETA.  The forum will play host to our current MP as a speaker as well as MP Peter Julian, the NDP’s International Trade Critic.   Shortly after that invitation, various editors throughout the BC Southern Interior ran […]

'Afghan Eyes' focuses on Mir Centre and Touchstones Nelson

Nelson and Castlegar: Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace in Castlegar in partnership with Touchstones Nelson – Museum of Art and History are sharing the exhibition Kandahar Through Afghan Eyes 2010; an alternate perspective about the realities of life in the province of Kandahar. The Kandahar Through Afghan Eyes 2010 exhibit is a series of 30 photographs accompanied by a […]

LETTER: Atamanenko replies to criticism of CETA stance by Conservative candidate

 Dear Editor, There has been some discussion in your paper about the Canada European Free Trade Agreement (CETA).  The Centre for Civic Governance (CCG) last year commissioned the law firm of Sack Goldblatt Mitchell LLP to provide a legal opinion of this agreement.  Mr. Steven Shrybman, a lawyer with the firm, submitted a 22 page […]

Two skiers rescued outside ski area boundary of Kicking Horse Mtn.

On Sunday, Jan. 30 at 9:30 p.m. Golden RCMP received a missing persons report about two overdue skiers. The two males from Vancouver Island had been skiing at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort the day prior to the report. RCMP were notified by a friend of the party that the two individuals were unaccounted for. Golden […]

Pure, unadulterated goodness

What do blueberries, Brazilian inspired underwear, and a couple butt-lifting exercises have in common? Absolutely nothing. So moving on, we’ll start with the blueberries. We know they’re good for us, we’ve heard all about it, I’m not going to go on about that. What I am going to go on about is how if you’re like me and […]

LETTER: MP Atamanenko 'ill-informed', says Conservative candidate

Dear Editor, As most people will recall, the NDP sent out a cartoonish flyer last fall, which discussed the Canada-European Union: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, also known simply as CETA.  Since then, there has been much discussion about the issue and recently, our current MP has spent time criticizing both local constituents and the […]

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