

Kootenay Contraption contestants concoct canny creations

One hundred of the Kootenays' finest young minds recently put their brain power into action as part of Kootenay Contraption contest. Tasked with the open-ended assignment of coming up with an invention that either does something, addresses a need, or solves a problem, entrants from across the area sent in photos, drawings, ...

OP-ED: MP misguided in gun registry support

On Nov.4, our MP, Alex Atamanenko, voted against Bill C-391, which would scrap the long gun registry, throwing his support behind what has become known as the “$2 billion boondoggle”.Why would our MP vote in favour of keeping the colossal waste of money?He states that, “I believe the registry may be working. Between 1991 and...

Toxco begins fire clean up operations

Note: The following is a press release from Toxco, Inc.TRAIL, B.C., CANADA (November 9, 2009) – Toxco, Inc. has begun clean up operations from a primary lithium battery fire that occurred in one of the plant’s permitted approved storage building located at the BC site, on the evening of November 7, 2009. The fire occurred...

Province cautions against over-use of Tamiflu as H1N1 spreads

EdNote: The following is a press release issued by the provincial governmentAs B.C. continues to experience increased pandemic H1N1 influenza activity, health officials are reiterating important messages regarding the use of antivirals to treat infection from this novel virus."Over 9,000 prescriptions of antivirals were filled...

Columbia Basin Trust Youth Water Forum 2009

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) invites Basin youth ages 15-29 to sign up now for CURRENTS: Columbia Basin Trust Youth Water Forum 2009, being held in Golden, September 25-27 at the Kicking Horse River Lodge."CBT is excited to host a forum for youth focusing on water issues in the Columbia Basin," said Heather Mitchell, CBT Program...

Mayor unveils four-point plan for Celgar situation

Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, at city council's regular meeting Monday night, unveiled a four-point plan to deal with the fallout of Celgar refusing to pay its municipal tax bill. Celgar's move left the city with a roughly $2.8 million budget shortfall and a legal battle to cope with, and Chernoff said he feels it's...

Kidnapping and Assault in Trail

On July 12, 2009, at approximately 9:00 p.m. a male in his mid 20's attended the Trail & Greater District Detachment to report that he had been assaulted in his residence in Trail earlier that morning and his girlfriend abducted by the assailant. Apparently it was over money that he allegedly owed. He had also been assaulted...

OUT THERE: The Hills are Alive in 'Hills'

Out There is a new column for the Telegraph that will focus on adventures outside of the Mountain Kingdom [editor's note: is there anything beyond Wedding Cake corner and the Nancy Green Junction? We've all heard the rumours, but I thought they were just rural myths...] Without sounding too Star Trek-like, our mission is to...

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