

Part Two of Broadband in Castlegar: Why broadband?

By Everette Surgenor Proponents of broadband networks and services believe that they can have a positive impact on economic development, education, health and social services and, eventually, on the way people interact with their government as well as voting. The primary mandate of the Castlegar Broadband Committee at this ...

MP says federal budget falls short

Budget 2014 falls short of taking significant action on many of the challenges facing Canadians today, according to Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior. “There are 300,000 more unemployed today than before the recession, many seniors are struggling and families are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet,”...

City to take over airport Feb. 15

The City of Trail is very pleased to be officially taking ownership of the Trail Regional Airport (YZZ) from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) on Feb. 15. After several months of negotiations and discussions on how to move forward, the city is now ready to start making the transition with the newly-acquired ...

CBT offers wage subsidies to hire a student this summer

If you own a small business in the Basin, you can get financial help to hire a student over the summer by applying for a wage subsidy from Columbia Basin Trust’s Summer Works Program. Application forms are available starting February 21, 2014, at cbt.org/summerworks. Because the program is popular, you’re encouraged to submit...

Local author to offer creative writing course in Trail

Aspiring writers have an opportunity to learn how to create stories, poems, and personal essays others will want to read with a creative writing course being offered by Selkirk College. West Kootenay novelist, poet and performance artist Almeda Glenn Miller has been teaching writing for more than 15 years. Teaming up with...

Christopher Hedges, greed, female emancipation...

 “Sometimes, the Light’s just shining on me, other times I can barely see…”                                                                    -- Grateful Dead, Truckin’  “…many of us know that a consumer culture based on corporate profit, limitless exploitation and the continued extraction of fossil fuels is doomed. …The...

IntegrityBC launches Reimagine B.C. consultation

As B.C. MLAs prepare to return to the legislature tomorrow, IntegrityBC is today launching an online consultation on electoral and democratic reform. It's the first in a series of consultations that the organization plans as part of its Reimagine B.C. campaign. Reimagine B.C. is a chance for British Columbians to work online...

Kettle River Q&A: The small place by the river

Editor's note: Graham chose to submit this creative work instead of his usual Kettle River Q&A after sharing it at a conference and receiving positive support. Enjoy.    [For Ben - may you grow up tall]   There once was a small place, a wet place nearby A river ran by it, and through it sometimes The cottonwoods swayed ...


On Feb. 5th the Canadian government signed an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the United States to govern The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).  FATCA is an American tax law requiring all Canadian financial institutions to provide the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with account information on customers...

Plenty of smiling faces at the Wilgress Lake fishing derby

Al Sandner has a secret. He uses mushrooms and mealworms when he fishes and this weekend his bait paid off when he caught a fish that weighed 0.65 kg (1 lb and 7 oz). It’s not even close to the biggest rainbow trout ever pulled out of Wilgress Lake, but it almost got him a top three position at the third annual Ice Fishing ...

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