

COMMENT: CETA trade deal and Jumbo resort proposal

Ever since the BC Liberal government surprised residents of BC’s Kootenays with its March 20, 2012 approval for the controversial Jumbo Glacier Resort, people have been asking: Why now? After all, the Jumbo Resort proposal has been around since 1989 and has been successfully opposed by local people for more than twenty years....

OP/ED: Sick, stupid and sterile

In September 1962 – 50 years ago this month – a book was published which changed the way we looked at the post-World War Two chemical revolution. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring – a clarion call about the perils of pesticides – is largely credited with launching the modern day environmental movement. Soon after its publication,...

Comment: Lousy pay, little respect, measly or no benefits or pension? Fight back: UNIONIZE!

Workers have always had to fight. From the time of the industrial revolution right up until today, the people who make the capitalist system work--those who do the work that produces the goods and those who are the consumers who buy them--have had to fight for a fair share of the profits. Capitalism works best when the people...

OP/ED: A B.C.government for the people…not at the expense of the people

Today I couldn’t help but wonder…at what point in a politician’s life does spewing hypocritical crap become so second nature that they fail to smell the aroma of the barnyard they’re sitting in? It was a mere two weeks ago when the story broke of excessive and frivolous spending in government, not only by the premier, but by...

COMMENT: Nuke the moon!

Okay, time to stop worrying about climate change. Turns out we can just change the climate. How? Well, maybe we should just nuke the moon. (Apparently if we can shift its orbit to block more sunlight, oil companies can keep drilling, the politicians in their pockets can keep doing nothing and gas-guzzling SUV drivers can laugh...

OP/ED: In BC, democracy has a price tag. Sometimes.

They failed the first time, but that hasn't deterred the B.C. government from trying yet again to put a sock in the mouths of community organizations, chambers of commerce, unions and other groups by attempting to impose tough spending restrictions on third parties which – if they get their way – would apply before an election...

Out-of-province fire crews arriving to provide assistance in B.C.

British Columbia is welcoming 79 firefighting personnel from the Yukon, Saskatchewan and Ontario to assist B.C. crews with an anticipated increase in fire activity, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister announced today. Twenty-one firefighters and one agency representative from the Yukon will arrive in...

B.C. employment figures show lag

Employment numbers in British Columbia dipped in July after slight gains in June, as full-time positions replaced losses of part-time positions. In B.C., 14,500 jobs were lost, reflecting a national trend, as 30,400 jobs were lost across Canada. However, full-time positions in B.C. increased by 9,600 from June 2012, and the...

Return to PST should prompt tax reform, says Fraser Institute

If BC wants to reduce the negative effects that reintroducing the provincial sales tax will have on the province’s investment climate, it should consider exempting all business inputs from the PST, among other reforms, says Charles Lammam, Fraser Institute associate director of tax and budget policy research. The recommendations...

OP/ED: The Northern Oil Pipeline is 2013′s BIG Election issue

The battle lines are being drawn--maybe even purposefully manipulated--to give the Liberals at least some hope of retaining power in  BC’s next provincial election. It would have seemed implausible and statistically impossible only a few weeks ago for the Liberals to have a chance, given every poll over the past year. However...

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