

Harper’s (Un)Fair Elections Act Could Spark Voter Surge

The Harper government seems intent on proving to its detractors that things can always get worse. They’ve one-upped themselves with the farce called the Fair Elections Act. It has been described as a direct threat to the right to vote and an assault on democracy by the very people our democracy assigns to examine these things....

The tsunami that struck northeastern Japan is now three years past, but it hasn’t stopped making waves

Debris travelling all the way from Japan has brought with it a number of Japanese marine species to the west coast, some of which have the potential to become invasive and devastate the coastal ecosystem. Scientists were shocked to find that 165 different species had travelled from Japanese waters to the coast of North America...

Only minor injuries in 14-vehicle pile-up on TransCanada near Golden

Fully 14 vehicles were involved in a crash on the TransCanada Highway yesterday, accordng to RCMP Sgt. Mike Pears. "RCMP received a report of a motor vehicle collision on the Trans Canada Highway at the top of Heather Hill, approximately 50 kilometers west of Golden. While en route, reports were received of additional vehicles...

Should the frequency of municipal elections be determined by the provincial government?

Fifty years ago municipal councils were elected to one year terms. Forty years ago the law was changed to allow for two-year terms. Twenty-four years ago terms were extended to three years, and now councils are to be elected to serve four year terms. The reasons for every term extension were to reduce election costs, to give...

UPDATE: Coroners Service releases name of Coal Mountain employee killed in accident Sunday

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a male who died following an industrial accident at the Teck Coal Mountain mine near Sparwood on March 16. He was Miles Bradley Lorenz, aged 59, of Coleman. Lorenz was a water truck driver and was filling his truck with water when he was impacted by […]

Avalanche centre warns about high risks this season

 After four avalanche fatalities in the past six days, the Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) is urging backcountry users to make cautious and conservative decisions while in avalanche terrain. “We’ve been dealt a pretty troublesome snowpack this season and our terrain choices need to reflect that fact,” explains Karl Klassen,...

COMMENT: When one million job openings may actually mean just 210,000 new jobs

It would be tough to miss the ad, particularly if you're trying to watch anything online. The one where WorkBC tells us that: “BC's growing economy will lead to one million job openings by 2020.” Since it was uploaded to YouTube in February, it's had more than 900,000 views, the bulk of them paid for by the very people it's...

BC Nurses take to the streets to rally against staffing cuts

Hundreds of nurses marched through downtown Vancouver today and rallied for safe staffing levels and safe patient care at the Art Gallery.   BC Nurses’ Union President Debra McPherson told the crowd “the healthcare system needs more nurses, not less. Patients need safe staffing levels. Without it, safe patient care is at...

BC government rolls out two-part plan to sell liquor in grocery stores

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the B.C. government: The B.C. government has outlined a unique, two-part model for liquor sales in grocery stores that will ensure convenience and choice for consumers, promote B.C. products and create jobs. Following the B.C. Liquor Policy Review - one of the B.C. government's...

RCMP save diabetic dog in the nick of time

Chester, B.C. - A missing 11-year-old tiny Pomeranian dog was already going into diabetic shock when two RCMP constables with Deas Island Traffic Services rescued him from suspicious circumstances, and returned him to his family just in time. “Truly a miracle,” says Pam*, the delighted owner of the dog. “The odds were so...

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