

Better Business Bureau announces Top Ten Scams for 2012

The Better Business Bureau announced its top 10 scams for 2012, and it’s obvious from the list scammers are getting a little daring in attempting to steal the trust of the public. “We are seeing trends towards spoofing well-known brands and ‘scams of the moment’ which capture people’s attention because the topic is in the […]

Interested in fighting fires? The Wildfire Management Branch wants you

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Wildfire Management Branch is recruiting physically fit, motivated and team-orientated individuals to fill fire crew positions for the 2013 fire season. Interested candidates can apply until Jan. 24 online through the Wildfire Management Branch website: www.bcwildfire.ca/employment The job requirements are listed on the website, including details […]

COMMENT: B.C.'s fiscal tsunami

If the term 'fiscal cliff' became part of the daily lexicon over the holidays, perhaps a new term should come into vogue in B.C. before the May election. Call it the 'fiscal tsunami' and it could hit B.C.'s shores sooner than most think.   It's the hangover that comes from creative accounting, financial wizardry and a little...

COMMENT: For frack’s sake

When Josh Fox received a letter offering him nearly $100,000 for the natural gas extraction rights on his Pennsylvania property, his first reaction was: nice chunk of change. Then he started wondering what was involved in the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) process proposed.  Looking for the answer took him on a road trip...

BC rolls out new card to replace CareCard

Starting Feb. 15, 2013, and over the next five years, eligible British Columbians between the ages of 19 and 74 will be required to replace their CareCard with the new BC Services Card by renewing their enrolment in the Medical Services Plan. The current CareCard was introduced in 1989 and has not been significantly updated...

Making resolutions for 2013? Resolve to be safe

As the new year begins, so do thoughts of resolutions. While most resolutions involve vows to exercise more and adopt healthy eating habits, BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) has three suggestions for resolutions that can make the world a safer place for you, your family and your community. Learn CPR. BCAS attends 2,400 to 2,800 ...


Calls to cut taxes should not come as a surprise. Individuals, business establishments, and corporations have been singing this tune for years. Resistance to taxes goes hand in hand with government at all levels. “No Tax Payments!”screamed a headline in Germany’s Neue Rheinische Zeitungon November 16, 1848. The article’s...

OP/ED: Is BC heading for its own fiscal cliff?

The Government of BC has been on a borrowing and spending spree for about eight years. A lot of this is being done using the “Public-Private Partnership” model (P3) of which the former Premier Campbell was exceedingly fond. In fact, he was such a leading proponent in Canada that the commercial interests behind the...

Parents of B.C. newborns named Liam and Emma not alone

Parents naming their newborn baby Liam and Emma are not alone according to the 140th edition of the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency Annual Repor. Liam and Emma are the most popular names for B.C. babies born in 2011 according to the annual report from the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency. The most widely selected […]

The winter driving season is a challenge for all drivers

Sadly, an average of 34 people are killed and 7,110 injured in 4,740 crashes every December on B.C. roads, making it one of the highest months of the year for crashes. Now that the winter season has kicked into full swing on road conditions across B.C. driving can be both challenging and unpredictable. Which is […]

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