

Santa to reduce lumps of coal by 99%: BCCGE

B.C. Citizens for Green Energy has learned from sources close to the North Pole that Santa Claus will be phasing out his traditional lumps of coal this Christmas. Santa’s decision comes in the wake of the Copenhagen summit and ongoing efforts to reduce the harmful greenhouse gas emissions related to the use of coal and other...

Payment pending; Canadian recording industry set for six billion penalties?

A report published last week in the Toronto Star by Professor Michael Geist of Canada's University of Ottawa claims a copyright case under the Class Proceedings Act of 1992 may see the country's largest players in the music industry facing upwards of C$6 billion in penalties.The case is being led by the family and estate of...

Government of Canada okays WIND Mobile launch, overturning CRTC decision

Industry Canada announced today that the government, through the Privy Council Office, has effectively overturned a decision by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regarding the status of Globalive Wireless Management Corporation, which was set to launch in November under the WIND Mobile...

Alleged tax-haven scheme linked to Canada's largest brokerage firm

In a continuing crackdown on tax evasion, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has alleged that brokers with a branch of RBC Dominion Securities, Canada's largest brokerage company, helped clients set up accounts in the small European principality of Liechtenstein in order to avoid taxation on their wealth.In affadavits submitted...

Canadian government to ensure fair access to government contracts for small businesses

 “Small businesses are the pillar of the national economy and this government is ensuring that they have fair and open access to government contracts.”To highlight the 30th anniversary of Small Business Week, the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and the Honourable Lisa Raitt,...

MP speaks out on climate change

Ed Note: the following is a press release issue by Alex Atamanenko (pictured left). Today, BC Southern Interior NDP MP Alex Atamanenko slammed Liberal and Conservative MPs for passing a motion that will further delay Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act, from passing in the House of Commons. “A similar NDP bill was passed […]

Campbell Government Backs Unlimited Deposit Insurance for BC’s Credit Unions

One of the few good news stories to come out of recent global economic turmoil has been the revelation that Canada’s banking system is about the most stable and best-regulated in the world. While Iceland’s banking system freezes solid and the US desperately tries to bail out its drowning financial institutions, in Canada’s ...

Mother, Daughter Accused of Stealing Husband's $3.5 million Lottery Ticket

On April 4, 2008 Bobbi-jo Arnold, accompanied by her mother Mary Patricia Moore and other family members, claimed a $3.5 million lottery ticket win in Toronto. On October 2 the two women were arrested by Ontario Police. Both are facing charges including fraud over $5000, possession of property obtained by crime, false pretenses...

University of Calgary Scientist David Keith Cracks Carbon Capture Conundrum

A University of Calgary research team has developed a new method for extracting carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the air — a fundamental shift in carbon capture technology enabling capture of the most common greenhouse gas from so-called diffuse sources like aircraft, trucks and automobiles that represent half of the...

American War Deserter Given Stay of Deportation in Canada

From Wikinews An American soldier who served in Afghanistan, Jeremy Hinzman was granted a surprise stay of deportation by the Federal Court of Canada one day before he was scheduled to be sent back to face trial for desertion in the United States. The move has put the issue of American deserters who fled to Canada following...

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