

Seed Swap at the Rossland Library

Looking for seeds? Have too many seeds? On Saturday March 26th, Rossland REAL Food and the Sustainability Commission are hosting a Seed Swap in the Harry Lefevre Room at the Rossland Library from 2- 4 pm. How does a seed swap work? “It’s pretty simple,”explains Sarah Flood from Rossland Real Food. “ Most gardeners tend to...

Seven Summits: Game On Graduate

“The human need to play is a powerful one”- Leo Buscaglia. Escapism, intrigue, distraction, and amusement make games one of life’s favourite pass times. We give ourselves the permission to explore, try, fail, win, and lose during gameplay. After all, games are fun. Thinking up novel ways to play within one’s environment, games...

School/house fires keep Castlegar crews hopping

Castlegar fire crews got an intense workout Thursday with two structure fires: one in a school and another in a single-family house. Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio said the call came in at 3:07 p.m. reporting a structure fire at 720 7 Ave., better known as Stanley Humphries Secondary School. Engine 1, Ladder 1, Rescue 1, […]

City of Rossland donates to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

At Monday night's Regular Council Meeting, Mayor Moore spoke on the situation in Ukraine and brought forward a motion regarding the City donating $1 per 2021 Census figures (4,140) to the Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. This motion was endorsed by the majority of Council. City Council also encouraged residents...

Working together: RED Resort and Trail and Greater District RCMP

I am SpeedOn Sunday, March 14, RCMP Cpl. James Splinter capturing a skier with serious speed (101 km/h) coming down the icy slopes of RED Mountain in Rossland. Splinter spent the day recording the speed of the Red Racers, and a few parents, as part of the RED Resort RCMP Ski Patrol Program. “We hope to run our radar again in...

Canada and FCM Announce Support for Net Zero Energy Ready Affordable Housing in Rossland

Everyone in Canada deserves a safe, affordable, and sustainable place to call home. That is why the Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) are investing in communities to provide sustainable and affordable housing for Rossland residents. John Aldag, Member of Parliament for Cloverdale—Langley...

COUNCIL MATTERS: Rossland City Council Meetings, March 14, 2022

The Financial plan, taxes, etc.; CBT’s CEO Johnny Strilaeff reports; what the Rossland Arena Society has done; a bunch of bylaws; those “art chairs” again; Councilor Morel’s RDKB report; and . . . Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councilors Chris Bowman, Dirk Lewis, Terry Miller, Janice Nightingale, Andy Morel, and Stewart ...

March 15, 2022 - Delay in (GFL) Recycling Pickup

Due to GFL staffing issues, city-wide recycling pickup delays are expected. Please keep recycling bins out, as GFL plans on retrieving all items by the end of the day on Wednesday March 16, 2022.   Please contact GFL if you have any questions or concerns. They can be reached by e-mail at sbella@gflenv.com or by calling...

COLUMN: Alongside climate threat, add lethal change in geopolitical atmosphere

Almost everything in your life, reader, is poised on a threshold of change. War does that. War is back. One man decided it. Deterrence failed. He calculated that expected gain outweighed potential cost, and that there was a military solution to his political problem. He believes what he believes and no one has access to his...

Economic Development Task Force - Broadband Issues Info Gathering

The Economic Development Task Force (EDTF) is requesting further feedback from the community in progressing towards developing a better understanding of specific issues that residents of Rossland are having after hearing the initial feedback in our community survey.    Broadband internet reliability came up regularly as an ...

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