Winning banner entries announced
As a follow up to our recent Call For Artists- Tourism Rossland is pleased to announce that the following artists submitted winning pieces in our recent call for artists: Jenny Baillie Charlene Barnes Louise Drescher Stephanie Gauvin The Board of Tourism Rossland had the difficult job of picking only 7 pieces from the 58 which...
Now that we've all got snow on our minds (and our cars and our yards) it's time to think of the RMR Ski Swap!
Nothing like a dusting of snow, and a chilly nose to get your heart racing for the ski season. And the Red Mountain Racers is ready to bring you the annual ski swap. Red Mountain Racers will be holding the annual Ski Swap this weekend, Saturday 27 October 2012 at Willi Krause Field House in Trail. Gear check-in starts at 8:30...
LETTER: Rossland needs curlers!
Dear editor, Our gorgeous long fall has kept our mind from winter sports, but the curling season is just around the corner. The Rossland Curling Clubs are looking for new or experienced curlers for all evenings. Curling is a fun and inexpensive, social winter sport. For less than $150 you get over 15 games from November...
Snow from snowfall warning reserved mostly for Golden City
Rossland took the brunt of the first snow fall of the season in the West Kootenay as Mother Nature dumped upwards of 20-25 centimeters of the white stuff Tuesday morning. “Sometimes when you get the planets aligned just right this is what we get,” Chris Cowan, a meteorologist at the Castlegar weather office, said Tuesday. […]
Hospital facilities review meets with mixed reaction
It looks like the Kootenays are finally getting the hospital review that’s been discussed for months here in the tri-city region, and it may completed as soon as Nov. 30 of this year … what remains unclear is whether the scope of the study will take an adequate snapshot of the area’s capacity and needs. […]
Work out...with the Duke of Edinburgh?
Hey Teens and parents of Teens! If you’re looking for a unique opportunity that focuses on experiences, skills, life experiences and fun, consider the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. The award is the world’s leading achievement award for young people - bringing together practical experiences and life skills to...
The gloves are off as Rossland Reads 2012 kicks off
Last night, the first of three meetings between the Rossland Reads debaters was held in an effort to have their book voted “Rossland Reads 2012 Champion”. The rules have been decided upon and are as such: Our fabulous moderator, Jennifer, will introduce the defenders and they’ll have an opportunity to give a 30 second...
The future of Trail Airport comes into focus?
The future of the Trail Regional Airport (TRA) has come into both sharper relief and greater ambiguity following the Aug. 21 release of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary's (RDKB) "TRA Economic Impact Assessment" (TRAEIA).Wave Point Consulting's TRAEIA (pdf) follows on the heels of the RDKB's recent TRA Master Plan ...
Dam Inn nips Hour Glass; Brewers win again in WKMFFL action
In what could be a preview to the West Kootenay Men’s Flag Football League Final, Dam Inn Mates returned to its winning ways by edging Nelson Hour Glaas 13-12 in a spirited affair Sunday at the Mount Sentinel High School Field. League leading Mates entered the game against Hour Glass sporting its first loss of […]
Cougars put Kootenay in deep freeze during weekend set in PG
The Kootenay Ice ran its winless streak to eight after the Cariboo Cougars rocked the visitors by a combined 18-2 scored during B.C. Hockey Major Midget Hockey League action this past weekend at the CN Centre in Prince George. The Cougars, within one point of first place in league standings with an 8-2-0 record, opened […]