

KIJHL governors in Nelson to map out game plan for upcoming Junior B Hockey season

Discipline is the key item on the agenda as the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League brain trust holds its annual general meeting beginning Friday at the Hume Hotel in Nelson. “We’re going to be talking a lot about supplemental discipline,” said KIJHL president Bill Ohlhausen from the league office in Okanagan Falls. “As you know […]

Out of Left Field: Cop creates cause for editorial rant

I was just saying the other day that it’s been a long time since I penned a good old-fashioned rant deriding the moronic behaviour of members of our society who seem to find themselves with a common sense deficit – but really, I’ve had nothing to complain about, being surrounded by largely thoughtful, reasonable, competent […]

UPDATED: Double-wide trailer engulfed by wild Hamill Creek as rains pummel North Kootenay Lake region

Heavy precipitation has caused structural damage to several homes on Hamill Creek north of Kaslo and impacted various other creeks throughout the region said Bill Macpherson Public Information Officer for the Regional District of Central Kootenay. “A double wide trailer has gone downstream and another home is being eroded at the foundation on Hamill Creek […]

Kootenay Savings announces $44,700 in new grants for local non-profits

Building better communities, together, is at the heart of the credit union philosophy. Kootenay Savings takes great pride in being part of the fabric of the Kootenays and is dedicated to working with like-minded organizations to leave permanent, lasting legacies in communities across the region. Since its establishment 13 years ago, the Kootenay Savings Community […]

Killjoys play host to Babes during only stop of West Kootenay Roller Derby Saturday at NDCC Arena

Saturday’s opening West Kootenay Roller Derby tilt at the NDCC Arena in Nelson promises to be a grudge match of the ages. That’s because the last time Salmo’s Babes of Brutality and Nelson Killjoys met, the Heritage City squad came out the winner thanks to a technical error. “It is custom in the sport of […]

RSS Interact Club donates big to West Kootenay Friends of Refugees

WKFoR received a $5k donation from  student members of the RSS Interact club, who have spent the year working hard to raise funds. “We are amazed and so appreciative of the $5,000 donation coming from RSS Interact students," said Kathy Moore from WKFoR. "They showed unswerving dedication to this cause, and remarkable fundraising...

Council debates new communication policy, strikes committee

Acting upon a previous request from council, city staff have produced an electronic communications policy that was table at Monday’s Committee Of the Whole meeting.  The policy would mandate that, among other things, (1) all informal electronic communications between councillors be cc’d to all members of council.  (2) Any...

Cafe Books’ new owner brings a new face to a familiar place

Evans Rora has added “Owner of Cafe Books” to his already full plate of business endeavors.  He and his family came to Rossland from Romania about a month ago, and took over ownership of Cafe Books West.  Along with this new venture, Rora continues to own a floor coverings business back in Romania.  He and his wife Laura also...

NPD forced to Taser combative man who stabbed himself Saturday in Fairview

A Nelson Police officer was forced to  use a Taser to calm a man who had stabbed himself Sunday (June 16) in lower Fairview. The call was one of 80 responded to by officers during a busy weekend that saw police deal with numerous house party calls Saturday night. The Taser incident began when NPD […]

What to eat: That’s always the question

As Hippocrates said, food is your best medicine--or in the modern day version, you are what you eat   But, with a busy lifestyle that most of us have these days, I was asked  to write an article on how do we cook and feed ourselves healthily?  Let’s review the key components of a healthy meal. 1.       There should be...

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