

Sinixt claim BC Timber Sales did not consult in issuing timber sale licence and stage protest

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily The one question BC Timber Sales forgot in their due diligence to allow logging on Perry Ridge was to ask the Sinixt Nation what they thought of issuing a timber sale licence for the parcel of land. As of Tuesday, the Sinixt have sent a message to BC Timber Sales, notifying the Crown...

Rossland:Costume capital of Canada - Halloween a major occasion in the Golden City

There’s just something about ski towns… People who live in them love to get dressed up, put on a costume and get out and party like a… (Insert preferred party style here). Be it dressing up as your favorite trail at Red (picture southern and northern belles, beer bellies, war eagles, Dougs, Captain Jacks and marmots), taking...

Twenty-one people charged with various drug trafficking offences in the West Kootenay/Boundary

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyA “resource-intensive” investigation by the RCMP in the West Kootenay/Boundary region in the last four months has resulted in 21 people being charged with 43 drug trafficking offences. Members of the Kootenay Boundary Regional Detachment plain clothes General Investigation Section embarked...

TECH TALK: You think you've got a virus, so now what?

 So you've looked at some of the warning signs I talked about last week and now you're pretty sure you have a virus. Now what? The most important message I want to get across is that you have to DO SOMETHING. I frequently get told, "I don't have any data to protect, so I'm not worried."   This is a terrible misconception for...

Pesticide ban for Rossland back on the agenda

The war on pesticides is ramping up again in Rossland and council will once again have the opportunity to enact some type of pesticide ban bylaw at their next council meeting on November 8th.   Just shy of nine months ago, following a presentation to council by the Canadian Cancer Society and Prevent Cancer Now, city staff ...

How many school board trustees are too many trustees?

Based on feedback received from the public, School District 20 will soon begin looking inward as they attempt to figure out the best way to organize and elect school trustees. Triggered by responses during the Planning for the Future public consultations and building on past reports, the district is in the process of establishing...

Snowy predictions and other fun for $2.99 a minute

Once upon a time our ancestors split one another open with roughly shaped stone hatchets in the interests of divining insights into future events.    Given our closer ties and more intimate connections to our physical environment back in the olden days, I’m of the mind that a fair bit of the sought after information revealed...

From Mountain Kingdom to Cowtown: reflections on a visit to THE BIG CITY

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine I met through blogging hosted a bloggers' retreat weekend at her home in Calgary. I was so excited to participate that I booked an overnight trip on the Greyhound to get there, and another overnight trip to get back. The total cost for a round-trip on the Greyhound to Calgary, if you ...

Jumbo updated contact information

Due to a cabinet shuffle on Monday, there are new contact people for the pending Jumbo Wild decision, advises a member of the West Kootenay EcoSociety.Coordinator David Reid said in wake of a pending decision on creating a “resort municipality” in the Jumbo Glacier Valley — to allow a 6,500-bed resort town — and the cabinet...

It's back! - First tracks of the season claimed on Mt. Crowe

The ski season unofficially kicked off this past weekend with a bang, literally.   At 4:20pm on Sunday afternoon a window pane rattling thunderclap shook Rossland before dumping several hours of heavy hail on the Golden City. Starting Saturday afternoon however the snowline has dropped significantly in the Rossland Range....

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