

Visions in hard copy: Neighbourhoods of Learning committee submits Rossland schools report, plans public meeting

No rest for the weary. With the next round of Planning for the Future (such an innocuous name for a wholesale inter-community brawl) on hold, a place in the finals of the Aviva funding competition secured, and a detailed proposal to bring the Neighbourhoods of Learning concept to Rossland signed, sealed and delivered to School...

Bigger, better, louder: Blizzard Fest returns!

Bigger, better and louder. There’s going to need to be some serious avalanche control starting this Saturday as a blizzard of beats rolls in and buries the town in a class five avalanche of music. Yes, Rossland’s own home-grown music festival is growing up and this toddler is celebrating its fifth birthday party with more...

RSA assigns homework prior to re-starting skatepark location process

“No skateboarding until your homework is finished,” isn’t just a phrase moms and dads of skateboarders may be using; it’s also the message the Rossland Skateboard Association (RSA) is spreading in anticipation of their newly revamped site selection process. After running through a bumpy process of their own over the past year,...

Of sewers and streetscapes and six million dollars

The slow-motion makeover of Rossland's downtown core took another small step forward last week, with a council decision to request up to $400,000 in provincial support toward the replacement of the sewer infrastructure beneath Washington Street.   The Towns for Tomorrow program funds 80 per cent of the cost (up to a $400,000...

X marks the spot: Rosslander Ian Lockey helps take adaptive snowboarding to prime time

With one fat plank, a heart full of passion and a life lived around the mantra of having fun and pushing the limits, local rider Ian Lockey will be heading to Aspen on a mission this month as he represents Rossland at the X-Games. As he takes to the course in the first-ever X-Games adaptive boarder-cross event he’ll be one ...

Tales & legends of the Mountain Kingdom: Doing the dew dew Dewdney

I think it’s a fair statement to say that Rossland might not be what it is today without the efforts of an Englishman named Edgar Dewdney. Before he came along to build his eponymous trail, this area was a prime location for First Nations hunters and gatherers and was apparently well known for its huckleberry bounty. All that...

Let us Discuss...Lettuce

I don’t really enjoy gardening, however I do it because I believe it’s the right thing to do. I believe in sustainable food sources, I believe in doing my part to make the planet a better place, I believe that locally grown fruits & veggies are the best thing for our bodies and the environment. I am also cheap. Putting ...

Webster PAC to Rossland: "We are silently cheering on the sidelines for the efforts of our Rossland neighbours."

Ed. Note. This letter was sent to Leslie Paul, PAC Chair, McLean Elementary School and Diana Wilkes, PAC Chair, Rossland Secondary School. The Telegraph was cc'd on the e-mail  Dear Rossland Friends, We don’t need to tell you how deeply, and how personally, parents in this school district have been impacted in recent months.  ...

Seniors tear up Roberts as the Canadian Open celebrates ten years at Red

RED Mountain hosted the 10th Annual Canadian Open Freeskiing Championships Senior event this past weekend. With a flurry of walk-in registrations the competition had a healthy group of competitors vying for top spot in the Senior Open.  With variable cloudiness, fresh snow and mild temperatures, the finals for the senior...

LETTER: BC should be covering smoking cessation products

 Dear Editor: The Canadian Cancer Society BC and Yukon is calling on the BC government and Liberal leadership candidates to support smokers who wish to quit by providing funding for nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) for those British Columbia smokers trying to quit.    During National Non-smoking Week, the BC government ...

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