

Engineering to begin on Columbia/ Washington streets and sewer project

The city now has approval in hand to proceed with at least the first stage – an engineering assessment – of the Columbia Avenue/ Washington streets and sewer project.   Council voted Monday night to authorize administrator Victor Kumar to spend up to $250,000 on an official engineering assessment of the state of the “sub-surface...

City looks to collaborate with province on lowering Columbia Ave. speed limit.

One of the realities for many small cities and towns in rural BC is that often our main streets also function as provincial highways--as is the case with Columbia Street in Rossland. While those highways do bring economic spinoffs in the form of traffic, they also--as Rosslanders well know--bring the less desirable realities...

Lions and Rotarians combine forces for park repairs

At the end of March 2009, the Rossland Telegraph reported on some vandalism incidents at the Lions Club campground that resulted in about $10,000 worth of damages. The roof of the gazebo had its shingles stripped off, as did the roof of the storage area. Also counted amongst the casualties at the well-used campground were the...

Go it alone, or tackle it regionally? City to consider rejoining regional Emergency Operations Centre

By now we’re all familiar with the longstanding political disputes between Rossland and Trail. Be it sewer or recreation, the ability between the two political bodies to cooperate has been one of great contention, particularly in recent years. One more item can be added to that list: Emergency Operations Centres and plans. ...

EDITORIAL: The value of community

Thanks to my ever buzzing, beeping and chirping Blackberry and a demanding, self-set work schedule whose margins seem to expand daily, I tend to be a person who is rarely late for appointments. Since arriving in Rossland, however, there has been a new syndrome (I’ve yet to come up with an official name for it) that seems to...

Out There: No stalking here, just big horn sheep chillin’ for the camera

For me, the best thing about living here in the Kootenays is the wildlife. I love wildlife, I love taking pictures of wildlife, and I love sharing those pictures with my friends from all over the world who are wowed by our wildlife here. I have been known to walk around neighbourhoods after sighting a bear so I can take that...

Bombers overcome pesky Royals to claim hoop victory at the Hangar

By The Nelson DailyThe L.V. Rogers Bombers used a balanced scoring attack to dump a pesky Rossland Royals squad 56-44 in Kootenay High School Girl’s Basketball action Tuesday at the Hangar.The win allowed the Bombers to sweep the Royals in the two-game season series.The Bombers took control of the game late in the first...

Ross Thompson and the naming of 'Ross'-land: Small imagination or big ego?

If you know anything about the history of Rossland, the origin of our town's name came from is not likely a huge mystery. Likewise, if you know, live, or grew up on Thompson Avenue, as I did, it’s a no-brainer where that name came from, too. I’m talking about Ross Thompson.   I like calling a spade a spade, so let’s not make...

Rossland Neighbourhoods of Learning project update

The Rossland Neighbourhoods of Learning committee recently submitted a proposal to the Board of Education for School District # 20. The proposal outlines a vision for changing educational paradigms across the District, and two scenarios for educational configurations in Rossland. It is hoped that this proposal will be considered...

NGSL race in Salmo: Tomorrow's ski stars...today

It was another fun weekend of racing for the Nancy Greene Skiers from Red Mountain Racers and other local clubs. Race 2 in the season found them in Salmo with great conditions, excellent course, and fine weather. Whitewater, as usual, had a very large team of enthusiastic racers. There were also teams from Summit Lake (Nakusp),...

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