

'Art for People' return from world tour bearing good news and good wishes

Hello friends and family,   We wanted to send a message to say thanks to everyone for their support over the last year and to give an update of what we have been up too regarding Art for People Projects and our family travels.   Our family has just returned from a 4000 km bike trip across the U.S.A. and Cuba where we had many...

Columbia Avenue chaos

Construction has started on Columbia Avenue and a summer of chaos is before us.  Many people are trying to find parking spots, figure out how to get into their favourite store, and determine what’s going on and what it’s going to cost.  Others are continuing the debate about what could’ve, should’ve or would’ve been. There ...

RSS's 60th celebration, Museum And Family Fun Day...and more

The Summer Brochure will be available this week, online at www.rossland.ca  and in your mailboxes early next week.  The Rossland Pool is actively looking for qualified Guards and Instructors for this summer!  We are short several qualified Staff and as a result may have to restructure the times and days that the Pool is open. ...

The need for speed: CBT's broadband corporation brings hyper-fast Internet to the Basin

For $1250 per month Rossland could hold the reins to a municipal Internet utility that connects to a world class, open access, fibre optic network that clocks stratospheric speeds, said Mark Halwa, chief operating officer of the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC), to a group that gathered at the Chamber of Commerce...

Lower Columbia housing woes addressed in ten year plan

Two years of work by volunteers, funders, and a consultant have recently culminated in the release of the "attainable housing needs assessment" (pdf) and the "strategic planning project,"(pdf) by the Attainable Housing Committee of the LCCDT (Lower Columbia Community Development Team). The documents lay out a ten-year path ...

Parcel tax review panel ready to roll as hike in water tax is deferred until 2013

Complaints against the parcel taxes Rossland levies on certain properties will be heard by the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel next Wednesday, May 23, at noon, at City Hall. Last week council appointed Coun. Jody Blomme, Coun. Kathy Wallace, and Mayor Greg Granstrom to serve on the review panel. Property owners who feel a parcel...

Apology to Berg Naqvi Lehmann

In an editorial on May 3 I wrote about an issue I had raised to the auditor that did not make it to council before the final audit, despite assurances that matters raised by the public would be addressed to staff and then council.I contacted Berg Naqvi Lehmann, Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors (BNL) to find out why...

The Rossland Pool needs certified lifeguards and instructors...and you need to get out and do some of this stuff

The Rossland Pool is actively looking for qualified Guards and Instructors for this summer!  We are short several qualified Staff and as a result may have to restructure the times and days that the Pool is open.  If you know of anyone who is currently certified to Guard or Instruct, please encourage them to contact the...

HIGH STREAM ADVISORY: Boundary on watch for flooding

A few days of warmer temperatures led to a shift from accumulating snowpack to melting resulting in rising river levels across the Southern Interior this week, putting the Kootenay / Boundary regions on flood alert. The high stream advisory was posted by the B.C. River Forecast Centre on Thursday as they anticipate continued...

Columbia/Washington Project Update 1

[Editor's note: This weekly feature comes to you courtesy of Rossland City council via Coun. Jody Blomme who's the point person for the Communications Task Force assigned to this project] The results are in, the decisions have been made and the Columbia Washington project is underway. The City of Rossland’s share of the total...

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