

Skatepark rolls up to final design

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Robin Strachan of the RSA has just informed us that, in deference to the RSS meeting on Tuesday night, the skatepark design review meeting will be postponed. A new date and time has not yet been set. Strachan wrote, "We feel it is more important folks are able to attend [the RSS] meeting. We will provide an ...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Next week very much like...this week

This week will be very similar to last week.  Trench opening for sewer and storm pipes will take place between Washington and Spokane, and the Washington/Columbia intersection will remain closed to vehicular traffic, but will be open for pedestrian traffic as construction allows.  The new parking lot behind the Post Office ...

Who's laughing now? Michael passes the JHC torch as Janet and Terry skip town

The Joe Hill Coffeehouse lives and breathes under new leadership this Sunday. The venerable audio master Chuck Cram and the masterful music venerator Michael Gifford can finally take a seat in the audience.The musical heart of Rossland also throbs a little harder at word that Janet and Terry Marshall have found a lovely house...

LETTER: Bear attractants shouldn't be near where kids play

Dear editor, These pictures (attached) were taken this evening at RSS as children were leaving from soccer. This parking area is the main pathway through a large block of upper Rossland for children going to and from elementary schools and it is also a very "blocked" area where a bear could quite easily feel trapped. Having...

COMMENT: Free speech, slander, and small town drama

I will agree completely with anyone who claims the issues we untangle below are petty, but we at the Telegraph feel obliged to defend ourselves against a number of unsubstantiated attacks leveled against our news coverage and editorials—specifically mine—by certain members of council who dislike what we’ve written.Two weeks...

Journalistic ethics, the BC Press Council, and the mayor's attack on the Rossland Telegraph

In light of the Mayor Greg Granstrom's vehement public letter—attached below—charging me and the Telegraph with "defamatory" comments, I contacted Rollie Rose, executive director of the BC Press Council, for comments he might offer on the matter.Rose said he had received the city's complaint and had written a response—also ...

Council approves higher densities on small lots outside the Infill Zone

Council has adopted a zoning amendment bylaw to give small lots outside the Infill Zone the same parcel coverage and floor area ratios as small lots within the Infill Zone. “Small lots” are defined as less than 550 square metres or 5920 square feet. No residents chose to speak at the public hearing held on Monday evening prior...

City sells sliver of boulevard to allow homeowner to subdivide

Council agreed on Monday evening to sell Tim Manke, owner of 2213 Fourth Ave, a roughly 16-inch by 100-foot strip of city boulevard so his lot will meet the minimum size required for subdivision. The strip runs along the western edge of his lot—the St. Paul side. In return, the city would receive a 3-metre wide snow storage...

Teck ticking along

Teck Trail Operations are busy: they're building a $210 million furnace to triple their electronics recycling capacity, a $125 million acid plant to replace two older ones, and have recently completed a $5.5 million "effluent spill reduction project" that modified 245 locations within their operations and significantly reduced...

UPGRADE UPDATE: A busy week ahead...

We are moving into a very busy construction phase this week here in Rossland! Asphalt milling will take place on Thursday, on the North side of Columbia Ave from Spokane to Washington, and the along the South side from St. Paul to Spokane. We are expecting that the pedestrian crossing should be restored at Queen and Columbia...

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