

UPGRADE UPDATE: Finishing touches begin...

Now that the road is paved and the sidewalks poured, we are now into the final weeks of finishing touches on Columbia Ave. Lines are scheduled to be painted on the asphalt mid-week. The inset paver tiles will continue to appear, as will greenery.  More trees will be arriving Wednesday.  The pavers will be grouted with a...

Mass exodus from Rossland Secondary School—or nothing of the sort?

"It's a big talk in the community that there's this mass exodus out of here," said RSS Principal Karen Lavender regarding recent reports that the school has fallen well short of its projected enrolment as students head down the hill to J.L. Crowe Secondary in Trail. "Our projected numbers for RSS this year were 296 [students]....

A Tour of Old Mining Town Halls brings the wildly entertaining ‘Maria in the Shower’ back to Rossland

The four piece jazzy old time band ‘Maria in the Shower’ returns to Rossland on Saturday, October 13 to boogie down in the Rossland Miners’ Hall. Maria in the Shower is a uniquely entertaining band at the leading edge of Canada’s new folk sound. Their musical approach is a simple but potent alchemy, marrying traditional folk...

The heart of a valley comes to Rossland Public Library

The history of the Slocan Valley is synonymous with the people who have travelled through it, enjoyed its abundant resources and built their homes and communities there. Rita Moir, who has made her home in the valley since 1975, is one of those people. Moir presents her beautiful book of image and essay, The Third Crop: A...

Learning to unlearn: taking a new perspective on education

[This is the second post in a series on implementing blended learning. The first post, When A Vision Becomes A Reality is available here.] Today was serendipitous. I learned of Nikhil Goyal. At 17 years old, Goyal is the author of One Size Does Not Fit All: A Student’s Assessment of School. Fed up with an education system...

Magical brains, Black Jack, aspiring fimmakers alert...the usual flood of miracles

The Recreation Department is working through some challenging computer software issues that have resulted in the loss of all data for the period August 12 to the end of September.  Although the loss of information is complete, we are prioritizing the issues and are working through a system of re-entering the information.  At...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Smile at your local flag-person and get ready to celebrate...

Downtown Rossland will have a constantly evolving look over the next two weeks.  We are really hitting the home stretch now and day after day we will be seeing visible progress.  By the end of this week, the laying of asphalt on Columbia and the laneway beside Subway will be complete.  Lines will be painted on the new asphalt...

Urban gardens, infill, arable edges, and the Agricultural Land Commission debated by Rossland's council

Richard Bullock, chair of the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), released a report on Aug. 23 titled, "Changing the way we do business: An update on the transition of the Agricultural Land Commission," to which some members of Rossland's council responded at the Sept. 17 regular council meeting. The report contains...

Ribbon cutting for new downtown planned for Oct. 27—bring your helicopter!

Plans for a grand re-opening of the downtown core following a summer of major renovations are coming together as the project's Communication Task Force works with the Rossland Chamber of Commerce and others to put together a street party on Oct. 27. Coun. Jody Blomme, a task force member, reported to council on Sept. 17 that...

Public invited to brainstorming and info session for Rossland Museum

What will Rossland’s Museum look like in the next few years? What displays, stories and themes will attract an expanded clientele? What will its role be in the community? Since last year, a group of Rossland residents has been exploring exciting options for the future of the museum. Now they want to hear from you through two...

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