

A whole new year of fun in lucky '13

The Rossland Arena has moved into the Holiday Schedule, which means there are lots of available ice times if you’d like to rent some ice.   Birthday parties, Christmas parties, New Year’s parties, private rentals, fun games of hockey, private coaching – all can be accommodated over the Holiday Season.  For more information ...

Movies for chilly days: I could watch this a million times...

At this time of year when the snow is deep and we take time to relax with family, what could be better than turning up the heat, and snuggling in with a blanket and popcorn to watch your all time favourite movie. The Lone Sheep family thought it might be nice to share the movies that we can watch - not just once, but again,...

Carbon Neutral Kootenays—Darkwoods conservation project may cash in on new climate action payments

A tri-regional partnership has identified the protection of the Darkwoods Conservancy Area as a local project on which to spend "carbon offset purchases," both supporting a very significant conservation project, and allowing climate action tax dollars collected in the region to stay within the region.Carbon Neutral KootenaysCarbon...

Putting Olaus Jeldness on a pedestal...forever

After taking his towering bronze form in China, being shipped across the seas, and getting his skis repaired in Trail, Olaus Jeldness finally stands on Rossland’s busiest corner framed by Red Mountain, his old stomping grounds."He was the first ski bum here and he's happy to be back in town,” said Roly Worsfold, the president...

TALES AND LEGENDS OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGDOM: Modern sustainability movement’s roots run deep

Way back in the mists of time, in the mid 1970s, my parents purchased a wartimer on Thompson Avenue, eight or so houses west of where Esling intersects that street, and just south of the far southern end of St. Paul Street and where it meets Esling and Cook. That part of St. Paul Street between Esling/Cook and Kootenay Avenue...

Red Mountain Racers begin new season!

Winter and the holiday season are coming together quite nicely.  The snow is falling, Red Mountain Resort is open, and the Red Mountain Racers Nancy Greene Ski League is gearing up for a fun ski season. The Nancy Greene Ski League is offering a three day mini-camp over the Christmas holidays for children participating in the...

Moving into holiday mode...

The Rossland Arena is moving into its Holiday Schedule within the next two weeks, which means there are lots of available ice timesif you’d like to rent some ice.   Birthday parties, Christmas parties, New Year’s parties, private rentals, fun games of hockey, private coaching – all can be accommodated over the Holiday Season. ...

Crucial school meeting tonight!

The Neighbourhood of Learning committee will be putting on an information session Tuesday December 18th at RSS, 7:00pm to get everyone up to speed on what is happening now with the threat of school closure in Rossland. It's serious this time. The board will be making their final decision in February, and plan to implement it...

"Serious ethical issues" swept under carpet by mayor and former CAO, but dust monster rears its ugly head

A recently declassified letter from the city auditor supports Laurie Charlton's sleuthing that fingered former building inspector Jason Ward for awarding more than $185,000 in arena upgrades to his own company—violating his contract with the city—without putting the projects out to tender—violating the city's purchasing policy....

Rossland dancers earn coveted spots in prestigious ballet school

Anna Cooper and Hollie Arsenault will attend Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s Professional Division Summer School in July, 2013, having successfully auditioned in Kelowna in October. Cooper, 12, made the difficult decision to stay in Rossland with her grandparents Josef and Anna Havlik when her parents and sister Natalie moved...

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