

Is climate change just a fable?

“Waiting for others to act is not a solution – it compounds the problem. Taking refuge in the status quo because others refuse to change is not an answer. It’s avoiding responsibility and being generationally selfish.” – quote from 2008 Throne Speech   Christy Clark’s new B.C. Climate Leadership plan is beyond bland. It is ...

Re-inventing the Wheel and Electoral Reform

How should we vote?  How should the people of Canada be represented in our federal government? How should members of Parliament be elected?  On September 1st at the Fireside Inn in Castlegar, a  number of citizens interested in these simple yet profound  questions met with our local MP, Richard Cannings, to talk about electoral...

Liberals stand pat, raise price of bus passes for disabled riders

On the NDP website, Nelson/Creston MLA Michelle Mungall said despite protests across the province, the B.C. Liberals have raised the price of bus passes for people with disabilities from $45 a year to $624 a year. “By raising the cost of bus passes for people with disabilities the Christy Clark government is forcing many...

Editorial Rant: Speculative Science, Planet Nine, and Space Junk

Science is wonderful.  It helps us uneducated but interested lay people to a basic understanding of some of the mysteries of the world around us, and the more distant parts of the known universe as well.  This reduces our need to rely on weird fantasy stories, confabulation and so on, to explain those things that would otherwise...

Op/Ed: A Labour Day Message from the West Kootenay Labour Council (WKLC)

For Canada’s unions, Labour Day (Monday, September 5) is a day to celebrate our work and our everyday victories we win to make life better for everyone.  It is also a day to focus on the work ahead and the improvements yet to be won. Union’s believe in the necessity of good pensions for everyone.  For nearly a decade we...

GLOWS: Science Camps

Young people around the West Kootenay and Boundary region, inlcuding sixteen from Rossland and four from Warfield,  will be heading back to school with an enhanced knowledge of science after taking part in Selkirk College summer camps. The Selkirk College GLOWS (Growing Learning Opportunities With Science) camps took place ...

Quality of Care in Seniors' Facilities

Many Rosslanders recall the unfortunate separation of a devoted senior couple so that they could more conveniently (for IHA) be housed in different facilities, in different towns.  While separated, one of the couple died.  The resulting, and well-justified, outcry may have resulted in changes to the practice of deciding which...

More Ways to Relieve Osteoarthritis

      Certain supplements have been found to be helpful in relieving osteoarthritis. The basic building block of collagen, which makes up cartilage, tendons, ligaments, discs, hair and nails, is Vitamin C and is our main anti-oxidant. Always make sure it is a non-citrus source (otherwise it will make you acidic) and is at...

Dry conditions turn up the heat in the forest

The dog days of summer and dry temperatures have turned up the heat on the fire risk in the area. A province-wide caution over fire use has been issued — including campfires — as forest moisture is drying up in the relentless heat of late summer. The fire danger rating in the Southeast Fire Centre is currently "moderate" to...

BC Coroners Service identifies victim of hiking accident at Cottonwood Park

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a woman who died after a hiking incident in Nelson Friday, Aug. 26 as Jamie Denise Latreille of Nelson. The 27-year-old Latreille and a companion were walking along the top of Cottonwood Falls in Nelson when she lost her footing and fell about 25 metres, landing first on...

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