LETTERS: Protest slated for event promoting homophobia/misogyny
This weekend, Pass Creek is having an event called the Mighty Men’s March, Hosted by an evangelist named Angus Buchan. Here is a link to the event: https://nelsoncovenant.com/events/mighty-men-s-conference This evangelest is incredibly controversial, and has been subjected to heavy criticism for his homophobic and misogynistic teachings. Scotland will no longer allow him to preach […]
Flood Mapping Study underway across the Regional District of Central Kootenay
This summer the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) is undertaking region-wide assessments to update existing flood mapping. This work will support future land-use planning and help communities be resilient to floods and related emergencies. “The Board supports the updating of the region’s existing flood mapping because it helps us understand the risks to communities […]
From the Hill: How the Canadian Senate operates (and kills bills)
Last week, the Canadian Senate killed all private members’ bills before them—29 bills, including my bill advocating for the use of wood in federal government infrastructure. This was achieved by a very small group of Conservative Senators who wanted to block the passage of my colleague Romeo Saganash’s bill on the UN Declaration...
Congratulations to the 2019 Seven Summits Grads!
Rossland’s Grads leave their high school education with a little bit of Seven Summits Centre for Learning in their hearts By Vivienne Hurley It was with such pride, and a touch of sadness, that staff at Rossland’s Seven Summits Centre for Learning (7S) officially launched their nine graduates out into the world ...
Residents in Rossland, Trail, and Nelson can benefit from the farmers’ markets coupon program Farmers’ markets are an important way of connecting residents with the products of local farmers. Columbia Basin Trust is increasing access to fresh, healthy food locally by providing even more funding to the BC Farmers’ Market...
A FREE Workshop: Wetlands and what to do about them
Water -- increasingly precious. Don't “drain the swamp”! As climate change shrinks the glaciers that feed our major rivers, and changes patterns of precipitation that feed smaller streams and groundwater, our water supply becomes increasingly precarious – and precious. Wetlands the world over...
Opinion: When 'legal' is also 'immoral.'
This morning, I received a message from the BC Government and became nearly incoherent with anger. I sent the following hastily-composed letter to the Premier and the relevant ministers: Dear BC Government: Your message about the fifth anniversary of the Tsilhqot'in Decision sparked rage in my aging brain -- at the BC...
Column: Can caribou and industry co-exist?
The economy-versus-environment debate is wrong-headed in elevating a changeable human construct to the same level or above the natural systems on which our health and well-being depend. And in many cases, it would be more accurate to characterize it as “environment versus corporate interests.” Although those interests often...
Editorial: Age-friendly pedal-power – a positive addition to any community
Last Thursday, Rosslanders may have seen a pedal-powered “trishaw” demonstrating its ability to carry a couple of passengers at a time – and, with the help of the electric “pedal-assist” motor, make it all the way to the top of town. Thanks to the volunteers who are powering this age-friendly...
Column: Getting to Zero
We’re caught in a bad cycle. Global greenhouse gas emissions are still rising, causing more extreme weather events and temperature swings. Hotter than normal weather in some places and colder in others means more people are using heat and air conditioning, which creates more emissions…According to a statistical review by oil...