

Earth Day question: could you save money with a heat pump?

The City of Rossland Sustainability Commission invites you to virtually celebrate Earth Day. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day we will be providing information, ideas and virtual activities from April 20th through April 25th. Visit www.rosslandsustainability.com or find “Rossland Sustainability Commission” on...

Column: From the Hill -- About the bailout funds

On Friday, the federal government rolled out its long-awaited initiative to support the oil and gas sector., a sector hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and the world-wide lockdowns that have ensued.  Oil prices, already low at $50 per barrel, plunged as demand dropped.  Within weeks, a barrel of Western Canada Select was...

Food for thought: New Zealand’s all-party cooperation success story during COVID-19

Article contributed by Fair Vote Canada          New Zealand adopted proportional representation in 1996, after 100 years of first-past-the-post.  For most of those 100 years, New Zealand functioned as a two-party system, with the flaws of winner-take-all voting on full display:...

Modified Community Kitchen Initiative brings the power of food to the people

By Vivienne Hurley      Volunteers behind an initiative that aims to alleviate food poverty in Rossland, Trail and Fruitvale, have swiftly and successfully modified their program in the midst of social distancing measures so that food security can be maintained for those who need it most, despite the challenges posed by...

Column: New economics?

When you pause to reflect on what’s truly essential and meaningful for you to thrive, what comes to mind? Is it about having more? Or having better? Is it about all the buying or the genuine caring? Is it about over-consuming or connecting and sharing? Is it about loving stuff and status or simply loving? As we experience...

Editorial: Please note -- COVID-19 is active in our community

Last week, cruising  a local on-line community discussion forum, I noticed that some people were assuming that Rossland has no active  cases of COVID-19, and seemed to be arguing that the restrictions designed to curb its spread are therefore unnecessary here.  At the time, I acknowledged that we had no way of knowing if there...

Fire crews busy in Montrose, Big Sheep Creek

Blaze threatens Montrose homes On April 12, 2020, forty-three firefighters from Montrose, Trail, Fruitvale, Warfield and Rossland all worked to control a wildfire started by backyard burning at a home across highway 22A  from the Beaver Creek Provincial Park.  The fire burned four and a half acres uphill toward homes in...

Local face shield production expanded

Austin Innovation is scaling the production of medical face shields from their lab in Trail, BC as a stopgap measure to meet the demand for COVID-19-specific personal protective equipment (PPE). The new entity, located in the lower level of Austin Engineering, is part of the collaborative team manufacturing PPE for the medical...

Early prohibition of fires, fireworks throughout BC: UPDATED

In addition to the earlier announcement of an early burning ban across the province to begin on April 16, the province has issued open burning restrictions for all High Smoke Sensitivity Zones across the province until Wednesday, April 15, 2020. These restrictions are directly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the...

Rossland City Council Meeting, April 6, 2020

The meeting was held by ZOOM, to protect us all from each other’s potential virus load. In one regard, the Zoom meeting was easier for an observer than a meeting in the Miners Union Hall, because it was much easier to hear what each Council member said during discussions. Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Chris...

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