

Op/Ed: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, socioeconomic rights and the COVID-19 pandemic

By Marie-Hélène Dubé, via The Broadbent Institute As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many restrictions have been placed on fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In response, serious warnings have rightfully emerged regarding the necessity of safeguarding these freedoms...

KIJHL plans to apply for government financial support

The Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL) announced Tuesday in a media release that the Junior B league will seek financial assistance from the provincial and federal governments due to the monetary impact as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 20-team -Junior B league followed the lead of many other sports organizations around the […]

Take a pew -- and own a piece of Rossland’s history

St Andrew’s United Church in Rossland is selling dozens of its pews from the 1950s ahead of its $344,000 renovation project. The landmark heritage building at the corner of Queen Street and 1st Avenue in Rossland hasn’t  been solely a place of worship since Seven Summits Centre for Learning (7S) moved in seven years ago and...

Column: The coming struggle over 'normal'

The coming struggle over ‘Normal’:  when pandemic lessons are erased, forgotten, or falsified – what is to be done? There’s something that I’m watching, means a lot to me. It’s coming for me darling, no matter where I go. Its duty is to harm me, my duty is to know.       -- Leonard Cohen, Banjo Writing about it Are you tired...

April 22 COVID-19 in BC, 71 new cases, three new deaths and 1,079 recovered

Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer, have issued the following joint statement regarding updates on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response in British Columbia: “Today, we are announcing 71 new cases, for a total of 1,795 cases in British Columbia. “Every health region in British Columbia has patients with COVID-19: 745 […]

Op/Ed: Conspiracy theorists are falsely claiming that the coronavirus pandemic is an elaborate hoax

In the midst of a global pandemic, conspiracy theorists have found yet another way to spread dangerous disinformation and misinformation about COVID-19, sowing seeds of doubts about its severity and denying the very existence of the pandemic. Since March 28, conspiracy theorists — “coronavirus deniers” —...

Column: What has happened during 50 years of Earth Day

Earth Day was born on April 22, 1970 — 50 years ago.   Since then, the human population has more than doubled, from 3.7 billion to almost eight billion. Our drive toward endless population and economic growth has led to the destruction of massive swathes of pristine forest through clear-cutting, burning and flooding for...

A heart-warming donation to our food bank

Food banks are stepping up to help those most impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, and others are stepping up to help our food banks do that.  Recently, the Kootenay Savings Community Foundation made a donation of $50,000 to be divided among eleven food banks in our region. A more modest but equally heart-warming donation of $10...

Rossland City Council Meetings, April 20, 2020 -- held by Zoom

Editor’s Note:  This report attempts to capture the substance of the meetings and to include all information of importance, but not every comment or question is included.       Councillors Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Janice Nightingale, Dirk Lewis, Andy Morel, Stewart Spooner, and Chris Bowman.         1.     ...

RCMP: Have you seen a naked man walking down the street?

An ancient Chinese curse says, “May you live in interesting times.” Trail RCMP certainly are, as they deal with not only the impacts of a global pandemic, but also at least two men who appear to be excessively comfortable with nudity, according to Trail RCMP top cop Mike Wicentowich. In a press release Monday, Wicentowich […]

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