

Editorial: Dirty tricks and our elections

Remember the Cambridge Analytica scandal ? -- when a right-wing company “harvested” information on millions (maybe 50 million, maybe up to 87 million) of its users from Facebook, without their knowledge or permission, and sold it to the election campaign of Donald Trump, and possibly others, to influence voters by “psycho-targeted”...

RCMP free bear from car

RCMP said a Trail resident on Topping Street thought that the trunk of her car would be a good place to store the garbage overnight before setting it out for pick-up in the morning. Police said the owner then left passenger compartment unlocked. The smell of garbage was too much for a bear to resist, because at 9:50 pm, the...

Column: Concurrent crises expose systemic flaws

  The coronavirus spreading COVID-19 around the globe isn’t the first disease microbe suspected to have jumped from other animals to humans, nor will it be the last. That we know to a large extent why so many diseases are making that leap should help us resolve the problem.   Dealing with a swiftly spreading illness with many...

COUNCIL MATTERS: May 19, 2020, Rossland City Council meeting

Rossland City Council Meeting, May 19, 2020 By web conference School zone speeds;  more room at the brewery; cannabis store application deferred; and a true bear story Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Stewart Spooner, Andy Morel, Janice Nightingale, Chris Bowman, and Dirk Lewis.  Staff members present:  Chief...

How many cannabis retailers for Rossland?

How many cannabis retailers does Rossland want? At Tuesday’s meeting of Rossland City Council, an application to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Board, seeking permission to open a non-medical cannabis  retail store, was on the agenda. The application will not be considered by the Board without a favourable recommendation...

The bears are back -- and so is WildSafe.

While the COVID-19 pandemic may be keeping many of us at home, that is not true for the bears and other wildlife that live nearby -- they're out and about. Oscar White, WildSafe Community Coordinator for Rossland and Trail, will be working hard to reach out to community members in new and innovative ways that maintain physical...

Op/Ed: Private gain must no longer be allowed to elbow out the public good

By Dirk Philipsen; first published in Aeon Adam Smith had an elegant idea when addressing the notorious difficulty that humans face in trying to be smart, efficient and moral. In The Wealth of Nations (1776), he maintained that the baker bakes bread not out of benevolence, but out of self-interest. No doubt, public benefits...

Column: Hornet hysteria, and our troubled pollinators

As if we didn’t have enough to contend with, now we’re facing a “murder hornet” invasion — but it’s more an invasion of newsfeeds than an actual descending plague of killer insects. Numerous media outlets have carried ominous stories about whether the giant hornets will pillage honeybee...

Rossland Readers Rejoice!

Readers rejoice – our library is accessible again! With restrictions, of course, for everyone’s protection. Our dedicated library staff are offering “take-out” service -- with distancing. Library Takeout @Rossland Public Library is a click or call-and-collect service. Members may request by phone, email or through the online...

Rossland Rec on re-opening

  Many of us are eager to get out and socialize and have fun – with other people. When and how can we do that safely?  The Rossland Recreation department has sent the following press release.  Here’s the official word – so far:  The City of Rossland  and the Recreation Department continue to monitor the COVID‐19 pandemic and...

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