

UN Warns of Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Amidst ongoing Israeli bombings of Gaza, with the death toll of the bombardments up to 537 with another 2,500 people wounded, UN food agencies again warned that the people of Gaza are facing a heavy humanitarian crisis. "The current situation in Gaza is appalling, and many basic food items are no longer available on the...

Israeli Air Strikes Hit Government Compounds in Gaza

Israel has launched at least 30 simultaneous missiles strikes on Hamas installations in Gaza City, causing heavy damage. F-16 fighters targeted security compounds in the City's centre. The "massive" air strikes on Saturday have claimed at least at least 170 lives, including Gaza police chief Maj. Gen. Tawfiq Jaber. More than...

Mumbai Attacks in Context: A brief history of Western Intelligence Involvement in ‘Islamic’ Terrorism

When the Americans sought to collapse the Soviet Union and bring a final end to the Cold War, they did not do it head on, but chose to bankrupt that nation by luring it into its own version of the Vietnam War--in Afghanistan. So said Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was Barack Obama’s national security advisor throughout his presidential...

Obama's transition Website Adopts Creative Commons, ''Frees the Content'

In a move to open up government and embrace modern thinking on copyright, U.S. President-Elect Barack Obama's transition team website, Change.gov, has adopted the Creative Commons licenses for all content and user contributions. This will allow anyone to take material from the site and reuse it, without any concern that they...

Riots in Nigeria Kill Nearly 400

According to a French journalist and the imam of the local mosque, around 400 people have been killed in the riots that erupted due to a dispute in the result of the local elections. The riots are taking place in the Nigerian city of Jos, which is located between the Christian and Muslim areas of Nigeria. The elections which...

Ship Sunk by Indian Navy Was a Fishing Boat, Says Owner

A man has come forward to say he is the owner of a Thai ship that was being hijacked by pirates then sunk by the Indian navy. The incident took place in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of the African nation of Somalia on November 18. The owner, Wicharn Sirichaiekawat, says that the boat was a fishing trawler, but the pirates...

Venezuelan Regional Elections a Win for Both Supporters and Opponents

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's party won a majority of states during this Sunday's election, although his opposition has made important headway. The election has been regarded as a test of Chávez's influence after his failed constitutional overhaul last year. The president and many of his supporters declared this election...

Study: Time Kids Spend Online Not Wasted After All

Ars Technica There have been a steady stream of worries about the dangers that Internet use could pose to children, and many have dismissed these worries as overblown parental concern. The latest group to weigh in is the MacArthur Foundation, best known for handing out the so-called "genius" awards. The Foundation has funded...

UK football club criticized by council for attempting to trademark city's bird

Liverpool F.C., an association football club located in Liverpool, a British city, has been criticized by the city council for attempting to trademark the Liver Bird, a symbol used to represent the city of Liverpool, and its football club. Flo Clucas, the Deputy leader of Liverpool City Council, expressed her concern over the...

Pirates capture Saudi oil tanker

Pirates have seized control of the Sirius Star, a Saudi-owned oil tanker off the coast of Kenya and are steering her towards Somalia, reports the US Navy. The ship was captured roughly 830 kilometers south-east of Mombasa and is reportedly heading towards the Somali port of Eyl. The oil tanker was carrying over 2 million...

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