

Taize Service

Sunday, December 2 St. Andrew's United Church will host a Taize Service from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.  Taize is an ecumenical candlelit worship service of prayer and meditation....

Nativity night at United Church~

The church with the red roof - St. Andrew's United welcomes the public to view a unique collection of Nativity Scenes surrounded by music and lights on Saturday, December 1 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m....

Joe Hill for Movember...

We are heading for another great Joe Hill Coffee House on November 18.   As usual, it's in the Rossland Miners Hall at 7:00 PM (doors at 6:00).  The cost is a mere $3, kids and students free.  There will be lots of goodies and refreshments, and plenty of fine music.   As of now, our lineup is: *  Gary Faustman *  Kerry Kean...

Joe Hill this Sunday, October 21

The Joe Hill saga continues this Sunday, October 21, at 7:00 PM in the Rossland Miners Hall.  (Admission $3, kids and students free.)   Once again, we have a great lineup of local talent: *  Geoff Ross and Tom Troyan *  Kerry Kean *  Ray Tenisci and his band *  Andrew Bennett, David Hartman, and Buzz *  Bert Kniss on harmonica...

Highway Maintenance - Winter is coming!!!

I have previously written about the state of our roads and highways, especially after my family was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident in January last year.  Luckily, they walked away with minor injuries but the effects psychologically have lasted much longer.   That accident could have resulted in the death of my...


  Public Invited to Brainstorming and Info Session for Rossland Museum Renowned Museum Expert to Speak What will Rossland’s Museum look like in the next few years? What displays, stories and themes will attract an expanded clientele? What will its role be in the community? Since last year, a group of Rossland residents has ...

Joe Hill on September 16th, 2012

Joe Hill Coffeehouse is starting up again for the season!  Come one, come all on Sunday, September 16.  Show starts at 7:00 pm.  Family friendly entertainment at only $3 per person, except for students and persons under 12, who get in for FREE!   ...

Thieves in town...

Just a reminder, there are thieves among us here in the Golden City; Last night my van was entered (I don't say "broken into" because I haven't been in the habit of locking it up) and several items were stolen from the front console. The only item of any real value was an industrial Petzl headlamp that I use at work; see...

RSS parents! Lunch volunteers needed!

Hey RSS parents! The food store really, really needs volunteers for this school year. If you can volunteer for 1.5 hours a week, or even every second week, at lunchtime (i.e. every Tuesday, or every second Thursday) please email heximer@telus.net. It's a great way to stay involved with the school and get to know the kids...

What is the most innovative business in the Kootenays?

  Are you driving a new idea forward in your business? Taking your organization to new heights with innovative practices? Do you know a promising entrepreneur, organization or business who is?           What can I win?: The top 16 finalists will all receive extensive media exposure and tickets to the gala awards ceremony.  ...

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