

Assessing infrastructure requirements in BC to make electric vehicles more viable option

A pilot project that will see the installation of up to 15 public charging stations at EasyPark lots throughout the city should help accelerate use of plug-in electric vehicles in the province’s largest city. EasyPark Easy Charge Pilot Project will assess the viability of commercially available EV charging solutions provided by several leading global providers. […]

Leaked documents ahead of key Lima meeting suggest UN body looking to slow emissions with technological fixes rather than talks

By John Vidal, guardian.co.uk Read the documents here Lighter-coloured crops, aerosols in the stratosphere and iron filings in the ocean are among the measures being considered by leading scientists for “geo-engineering” the Earth’s climate, leaked documents from the UN climate science body show. In a move that suggests the UN and rich countries are despairing […]

BC's clean technology industry poised to become star of BC economy

British Columbia’s cleantech industry is one of the province’s fastest growing industries and has the potential to be a significant economic generator by creating thousands of new high paying jobs, attracting significant new investment and generating billions of dollars in exports. These are among the findings of the Cleantech Report Card for British Columbia, conducted […]

Greening the Building Code – Communities adopt solar power

Thirty-six B.C. communities — including Kaslo, Cranbrook and Fernie — have agreed to adopt a new building regulation that promotes the use of alternative energy by requiring all new single family homes built in their community to be solar hot water ready. During construction, houses will be built to accommodate future installation of a renewable […]

Selling electric vehicles, easy; charging options, very tricky

Bart King, Sustainable Life Media A new survey from Accenture finds that the majority of consumers are interested in buying plug-in electric vehicles (PEV). But how consumers charge those vehicles is a complicated issue, with charging infrastructure and cost being top concerns. Accenture surveyed 7,000 consumers in 13 countries and found that consumer preferences for […]

Waste heat recovery: The next wave of clean tech

By Jason Gold, KGRA Energy The terms renewable energy and clean technology conjure up images of photovoltaic panels baking in the desert sun, wind turbines rotating lazily in the wind, and large dams generating hydro-power. However, there is another important and growing clean energy technology that the average consumer hasn’t heard of yet: waste heat […]

More efficient and affordable solar power: developments changing the industry

By Kriss Bergethon, Global Warming is Real Solar power was discovered over 170 years ago, but it didn’t become a viable technology until the 1950s. The high cost of producing solar cells meant that the concept remained in limited use up until recently. Renewed interest in solar power has brought investment and research that vastly […]

The ongoing evil of asbestos exports

The ongoing fight to get this country to ban the export of the world’s deadliest industrial material has finally reached the Comedy Network and Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show. The sheer absurdity of pretending that chrysotile asbestos can be used safely caught the eye of the popular show and they recently did a five minute segment, […]

What the frack is going on?

By Michael Jessen When you’re addicted to something, you’ll do anything to satisfy your need – and so will your drug supplier. In North America, one of our addictions is to energy, a commodity that is overabundant or in excess of demand – hence a drug on the market. For every addiction, there is a […]

Outsourcing greenhouse gas emissions to the developing world

By David A Gabel, ENN In many developed nations, increased energy efficiency has effectively lowered emissions of carbon dioxide. However, the cuts in advanced economies are merely an illusion, as manufacturing and dirty industries have moved offshore to the developing world such as China and India. These countries produce goods cheaply which Western consumers like. […]

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