

Calling all Red Mountain Racers Alumni

While Rossland may be best known for the millions of dollars’ worth of gold that came out of Red Mountain last century, the Red Mountain Racers and a dedicated team of volunteers are working hard to showcase a whole different kind of gold that came not from beneath the surface but from the snowy slopes of Red Mountain. Over...

Pond Hockey Championships Ready to Rock

Lately as I’ve been walking past the Emcon yard on 3rd Ave. I keep having a slightly modified version of the Monday Night Football song opening run through my head: “Are you ready for some Hockeeyyyyy!” Pond Hockey, that is. With the Western Qualifying tournament of the Canadian National Pond Hockey Championships coming to ...

Busy Season Starts for Rossland's Nordic Community

Factor in the strong skiing history of Rossland and the current success of George Grey, member of the Canadian National Ski Team who started his skiing at Black Jack, as well as other up and coming Junior Cross Country Racers from Rossland and you have a winning equation and reason to attend the 2009 Haywood NorAm and Teck ...

BRENDA GILL: Tips To Get Back On Track Now That the Christmas season is Over!

One of the areas I address, especially after the holiday season is helping people get into a good routine again with eating and to try to lose those added pounds from the holidays. Here are a few tips to achieve that goal. Eat 3 full meals a day to keep the fire burning Always eat breakfast-- whole grain porridge oats or whole...

George Grey Among Three Canadians to Qualify for Sprint Finals at Tour de Ski

PRAGUE, CZE.—A trio of Canadians were ready to pounce onto the podium for the second straight day, but ran into some tough luck in the finals of a skate-sprint race and third stage of the Tour de Ski in Prague, Czech Republic on Monday. Feeding off the adrenalin of his first podium performance of the year yesterday in Germany,...

Red Lifts to Start Turning This Friday

The first major snowfall of the season hit the Kootenays last week with up to forty centimetres being reported at higher elevations. While it’s not out of the norm for winter storm cycles to get fired up this late into December, the big snowfall has cranked up the itch to strap on skis and snowboards and get out on the local...

Rossland Skiers Dominate at Vernon NorAm Race

The cream of the crop stacked the top of the leaderboard in the men’s and women’s individual skate races at the Haywood NorAm series near Vernon, B.C. on Sunday afternoon. Canadian World Cup team veteran, George Grey, led the way for Rossland's skiers and won the men’s 15-kilometre race after clocking a time of 39 minutes...

Olympic Torch to Pass Through Rossland

The Olympic Flame will pass through Rossland on its way towards the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. The 2010 Olympic Torch Relay will begin its 106-day Canadian journey on October 30, 2009 and is scheduled to pass through Rossland on January 24, 2010. The Flame’s pan-Canadian journey will culminate on February 12, 2010...

Frolf While the Frolfing's Good

As you walk up to the eleventh hole at the Thin Air Frolf Club, the trail ducks down into the woods, leading you to the rock-lined tee box. A first timer to the course might ask the logical question, ‘Where’s the basket?’. This deceptive hole merely requires an accurate throw through an open patch in the forest, followed by...

Major Hockey Event Coming to Rossland?

If a group of enthusiastic locals get their way, Rossland could soon play host to hundreds of hockey players from across the western half of the country. The event in question is the Western Regional Pond Hockey Championships which acts as a qualifying tournament for the Canadian National Pond Hockey Championship in Hunstville...

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