
COLUMN: We must purge privilege from politics

Tackling climate change means purging privilege from politics Our national political arena often seems dominated by unproductive partisan potshots and misplaced accountability, with corporate interests prioritized over people’s. Behind the noisy partisan sniping, a quiet majority — 70 to 75 per cent of Canadians — is largely disengaged from politics, according to McAllister Opinion Research. […]

Greta Thunberg: 'How dare you!'

Greta Thunberg’s speech to the  UN was transcribed.  Here is the full text.  For the full effect, though, listen to her speech at this link:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYqtXR8iPlE In response to the question, “What’s your message to world leaders today?” Thunberg responded as follows: Greta Thunberg:   “My message is...

Editorial: What to do?

Current and anticipatory grief The reality of the continuing extinction of many so species is profoundly upsetting.  Readers may wonder why old people should care.  For example, I’ll be dead in a few years myself;  it will be up to others to live their lives diminished by the loss of caribou and many other creatures, many...

Op/Ed: Few things are as dangerous as economists with physics envy

By John Rapley, for Aeon Two questions: is it good or bad that professional athletes earn 400 times what nurses do, and is string theory a dead end? Each question goes to the heart of its discipline. Yet while you probably answered the first, you’d hold an opinion on the prospects of string theory only if you’ve studied...

COLUMN: Political Intelligence, Elections, and the Demos

Some Elections matter more: this should be one Canadians are about to choose a national, federal government on October 21. It is a more significant choice for our nation than we have faced in many elections, and not because Canada alone is facing some unusual circumstances: the entire human world and the non-human species...

COUNCIL MATTERS: Rossland City Council, September 16, 2019

Cannabis edibles production in Rossland?  Get ready for the Thingery; Trail seeks water use exemption for cemetery; Cycling Without Age and trishaws; water billing adjustment, and  more. Present:   Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Janice Nightingale, Dirk Lewis, Scott Forsyth, Stewart Spooner, Chris Bowman, and Andy...

New limit on maximum rent increases for 2020 in BC

British Columbia’s annual allowable rent increase for 2020 has been set at 2.6%, the province’s annual rate of inflation — 2% lower than it would have been prior to the reduction government made in 2019. “Renters need secure housing they can afford,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “That’s why...

Rossland City Council Meeting, September 3, 2019

Council members present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Scott Forsyth, Dirk Lewis,  Janice Nightingale, Stewart Spooner, Andy Morel, and Chris Bowman.   Staff present:  CAO Bryan Teasdale, Executive Assistant Alison Worsfold, CFO Elma Hamming, and Recreation Manager Kristi Calder. Public Input Period: The gallery was...

Column: What if the children could vote?

Young people have been speaking out for their rights. Many are wise beyond their years. Without the blinkers of ideology, workaday priorities and ingrained values, they can see clearly what’s happening. They’ve had to step up for their own futures because too few of their elders are willing to accept that rampant consumerism...

A letter to Canada’s Chief Electoral Officer from 352 scientists

Hundreds of Canadian scientists sent a letter this morning (August 22, 2019) to Stéphane Perrault, the Chief Electoral Officer, urging Elections Canada to clarify how the science on climate change can be communicated during the election period.  The 352 Canadian scientists who signed the letter take issue with Elections...

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