
Rousseau, Nasser and the Egyptian revolution

 In watching the live streaming coverage of the Egyptian revolution on Aljazeera I am awe-struck by the incredible humanity of what is unfolding in that country. I imagine Jean Jacques Rousseau wandering amongst the throngs of people and being equally amazed and delighted. For the character of this uprising, this outpouring of frustration and joy, of kindness […]

Cemeteries full, Trail monorail unlikely: RDKB holds a town hall meeting

Finance-based gatherings can be dull. So kudos to the Area B gentleman who livened things up Tuesday night at the regional district’s Town Hall meeting held in Oasis. Among the enjoyable tidbits revealed regarding the region’s future: a monorail in Trail is unlikely, the district will not be proposing any new bridges, and Pacific Coastal […]

Ready, set, go! Federal spring election under way?

With all the attention focused on the BC Liberals and NDP leadership races, you may not have noticed: the next federal election campaign is already under way.   The vote will take place in late April/early May. The first visible sign were those negative TV ads launched by the federal Tories a couple of weeks […]

13th Annual 'Teddies': government waste awards

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today held its 13th annual “Teddy Waste Awards” ceremony to recognize the best of the worst in government waste. CTF federal director, Kevin Gaudet acted as the Master of Ceremonies today at the black tie news conference on Parliament Hill. The CTF’s “Porky the Waste Hater” (pig mascot) and lovely guest hostess […]

ATAMANENKO: Canada-US Security

Over the past few months I have talked to people who have experienced difficulties at the US border.  Often this involves having to leave one’s vehicle and being subjected to intense interrogation.  What has, in the past, been a routine “friendly” crossing has turned into a “negative” interrogation by abusive American border guards. There appear […]

US State Department approved export of U.S.-Made tear gas to Egyptian goverment

By Marian Wang in ProPublica. The tear gas canisters used by Egyptian police against the protesters bore the label “Made in U.S.A. [1],” stirring controversy and bolstering the impression among Egyptians that the United States has propped up a dictatorship [1] at the expense of its citizens. Two government agencies, the Department of State and […]

QUNFUZ: Zionism's fear of Arab movements

Tony Blair, with the blood of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine dripping from his fingers, says Egyptian dictator Husni Mubarak is “immensely courageous and a force for good.” The opinion is based on working “with him on the Middle East peace process.” Mubarak’s record on the pacification process involves helping the Palestinian Authority transform itself into a […]

The HST: A democratic opportunity

The focus of politics has shifted over the past two to three decades from issues to personalities. Media reports refer to Conservative or Liberal governments or to Harper or Campbell governments, as if federal and provincial governments were owned by political parties or their leaders. Such references are indications that our parliamentary democracies have become […]

LETTER: Conservative candidate questions his exclusion from Nelson CETA forum

Dear Editor, Recently, a local chapter of the Council of Canadians invited me to speak at a forum about CETA.  The forum will play host to our current MP as a speaker as well as MP Peter Julian, the NDP’s International Trade Critic.   Shortly after that invitation, various editors throughout the BC Southern Interior ran […]

LETTER: Atamanenko replies to criticism of CETA stance by Conservative candidate

 Dear Editor, There has been some discussion in your paper about the Canada European Free Trade Agreement (CETA).  The Centre for Civic Governance (CCG) last year commissioned the law firm of Sack Goldblatt Mitchell LLP to provide a legal opinion of this agreement.  Mr. Steven Shrybman, a lawyer with the firm, submitted a 22 page […]

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