
Dix ratified as NDP provincial leader

VANCOUVER - Leader Adrian Dix told the BC NDP’s 50th Anniversary Convention that inequality is the defining issue of our time and outlined the NDP’s priorities for when it forms government in 2013.“Growing inequality has been the defining feature of a decade of Liberal rule,” said Dix. “We’ve had years of slow growth that is...

More than 50 scientists protest BC Hydro closures/lay-offs in Castlegar and Nelson

 A group of more than 50 scientists is publicly lobbying BC Hydro to reconsider its decision to close the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) office in Nelson, and to lay off staff in Castlegar, Nelson and Prince George.   The offices are to be closed by January 2012, and the program consolidated in Burnaby […]

Standing committee appointments announced for city council

At Dec. 5th’s first meeting of the newly-elected city council, Mayor Lawrence Chernoff assigned each council member to the standing committee roles they’ll be playing for the following year – a practice not employed in all municipalities. “There are lots of cities where councillors stay on the same committees for years and years,” he said, […]

MP wants bottled water banned

Alex Atamanenko, MP, rose in the House of Commons Wednesday to introduce a petition on behalf of the BC/Yukon Region Canadian Catholic Development and Peace organization. Signed by 1,200 people from the Dioceses of Nelson and Victoria, the petition calls on the government to ban the purchase of bottled water in federal...

IntegrityBC releases first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson

As part of its mandate to foster a dialogue between British Columbians and their MLAs, IntegrityBC today released the first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson (Independent).In the first video [attached], Bob Simpson discusses the impact of money on B.C. politics.“Social media is an ideal way for British Columbians...

Atamanenko calls for shutdown horse slaughter industry

NDP MP Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior) reacted today to a shockinginvestigation by the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) which revealed inhumane horse slaughter and other abuses at yet another Canadian slaughterhouse. “I join with so many Canadians who are sickened and disappointed that our government continues to allow this industry to abuse these animals […]

Fox News North: Your national, pro-war TV network

You will no doubt recall the controversy surrounding the efforts of Quebec billionaire Pierre Peladeau to get a prized licence for his Sun News TV network. If he had succeeded, the cable companies would have been obliged to carry his extremist right wing news channel, dubbed by many as “Fox News North.” In the end, the CRTC...

Province changes hunting allocations

The Province has established a wildlife harvest allocation policy that creates greater consistency and transparency for B.C.’s guide outfitters and resident hunters, announced Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson.  Harvest allocations are the number of animals of a species that are allowed to be harvested by resident hunters and guided hunters […]

SHADES OF GREEN: The Keystone XL protests and the Occupy Movement

The protest against the 2,763 km Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta's tar sands to America's Gulf States' oil refineries are driven by a deeper concern than risk to Nebraska's Sand Hills region and its underlying Ogallala aquifer. The same applies to The worldwide Occupy movement, too, is motivated by a deeper concern than...

MP introduces Private Members Bill to create Dept. of Peace

Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior), was joined at a press conference today by fellow peace advocates, along with Elizabeth May of the Green Party and Liberal Jim Karygiannis to herald the introduction later in the day of his Private Members Bill to create a federal Department of Peace. May and Karygiannis are co-seconding the […]

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