

Ruminations on Remembrance Day

A piper piped the parade from the Rossland Legion to the cenotaph and the moving ceremonies there, and crowds of solemn Rosslanders  attended, each of us honouring those from our land who have given their lives in wars and those in other lands who have suffered from having wars overwhelm and destroy  their homes and lives; ...

OP/ED: Protect water sources from free ranging cattle

Newsletter... I am sharing a few pictures that represent a typical water/grassland scene on the Gipin Grasslands. The pictures showcase the largest tributary to Morrissey Creek before the creek drops into a canyon and an adjacent meadow that was the site of a recent forest thinning burn. Morrissey Creek watershed is one of ...

Want democratic reform? Let’s start with the country’s newspapers

Observing the cathartic effect of the end the Harper regime reveals just how traumatized millions of Canadians were by nearly 10 years of rule by this vindictive prime minister. The analogies and metaphors keep coming: like getting out of jail, like waking up from a nightmare, like the end of an occupation. This election will...

Remembrance Day Meditation on War and Peace

“War is like a football game. Whoever loses gives his opponent his hand, and everything is forgotten.”                          --  Herman Goering, Nazi #2 Do laws to regulate war,  make war appear legitimate? If one opposes war, one might argue that it is highly inappropriate, to say the least, to make rules regulating the...

Canadian Forest Industry Will Help Reach Your Economic and Environmental Goals

With the federal election now behind us, the new Prime Minister can and must promote the economy and the environment in the first few weeks of his mandate. The foundation for both future economic stability and environmental sustainability will be laid for decades to come based on two significant global initiatives — the...

Alberta’s personal income tax rate hikes will likely bring in $1.7 billion less than expected

The Alberta government will likely receive $1.7 billion less than expected from its personal income tax rate hikes, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan think-tank. The study, Alberta’s Personal Income Tax Increases Likely to Yield Less Revenue than Expected, calculates the ...

A Letter From Richard Cannings

Dear editor, I would like to thank the voters of South Okanagan-West Kootenay for the trust you have placed in me by electing me as your Member of Parliament.  I am humbled by your support and will work hard for all the people of South Okanagan-West Kootenay. My office door will always be open, and I pledge to not only take...

Let's Vote for Values that Make Canada Great

By David Suzuki When my grandparents arrived from Japan in the early 1900s, Canada was far less tolerant than it is today.  Women and minorities couldn’t vote, nor could Indigenous people who had lived here from time immemorial.  In 1942, the government took away my Canadian-born family’s property and rights and sent us to ...

Letter: Health Care and the Election

 The Society for the Protection and Care of Seniors (SPCS) has been active over the past several months in urging voters in the local riding to seriously consider the Federal candidates and their parties plans for Health Care as they seek election next Monday. Facing the prospect of 36 billion dollars in funding cuts by the...

OP/ED: BC Government patronage appointments mean little or no push back

New York Senator William L. Marcy could have just as easily been referring to B.C. in 2015 – and not the 1828 victory of the Jackson Democrats – when he boasted "to the victor belong the spoils." Even he would have marvelled at the spoils available in B.C. Other provinces have their Crown corps and spots on various boards to...

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