

OPINION: Why We Privileged Women Should Care About International Women's Day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016:  Today, at Selkirk College in Castlegar, local women are being celebrated for their achievements under our relatively enlightened  culture.    Yesterday, a BC man was sentenced to 21 years in prison without any chance of parole for murdering his ex-girlfriend because he saw her studying at a university...

OPINION: Study Shows Promise for Cannabidiol Treatment of Epilepsy

Medical research on the potential benefits of treatment with cannabidiol (CBD) is beginning to show results.  A presentation to the U.S. Senate Caucus on International  Narcotics Control in June of 2015, by Nora D. Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, pointed out,  "Rigorous clinical studies are still...

Letter to the Editor: Fund Our Schools!

Dear Editor, School District #20 is facing its largest budget deficit in its history ($1,350,000) in 2016/2017 and we know who is causing the problem:  Our Premier and her government. Here are a few examples of why we believe this to be a fact: BC’s Compliance Branch auditors are “clawing back" every penny of Special Education...

OPINION: GMOs -- A Balanced View

History of Gene Manipulation "Genetically Modified Organisms" is an area that abounds with skepticism, suspicion and fear. The mere mention of genetic modification is enough to give a substantial portion of the population the 'heebie jeebies".  They have been a source of controversy since the biotechnology was introduced in...

OP/ED: West Kootenay Labour Council calls for action on missing/murdered Aboriginal women

“March 8 is International Women’s Day (IWD) and this year we are hopeful that justice for Indigenous Women will move forward with the government’s announcement of the long awaited inquiry on missing and murdered aboriginal women,” said Debbie Bird, President of the West Kootenay Labour Council. “Every year women and men around...

COLUMN: Briefings from Victoria

I am now back in Victoria at the Legislature until the end of May. While there are many events and meeting requests that come across my desk, I am only in the constituency on Fridays and Saturdays and quite often that time is limited by weather and other unforeseen issues. I depend on my very resourceful and knowledgeable...

COLUMN: Costs of post-secondary education

As the NDP critic for post-secondary education, I’ve met with a number of groups over the past weeks and months to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing universities, colleges and technical institutions, as well as with the students who are working hard to better their futures.  And the benefits to post-secondary ...

Op/Ed First Nations have right to wildlife resources

I am sending you a news release from the Wildlife Stewardship Council that is a reminder to all British Columbians that First Nations have the leverage to demand their constitutional right to harvest a fair share of the province’s wildlife resource! How many BC First Nations bands are going to ask in the immediate future the...


By Richard Cannings, Member of Parliament As the NDP critic for post-secondary education, I’ve met with a number of groups over the past weeks and months to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing universities, colleges and technical institutions, as well as with the students who are working hard to better their...

OPINION: BC Budget Critique; How Does BC Compare?

Petty. One word that springs to mind after last week's B.C. budget. At best, it's a lip service budget. Tweak here, tweak there, but devoid of any real purpose. To be sure, some were tossed a chicken wing. But you can almost hear the minions in the backroom: “just make sure it doesn't cost us anything, the rubes will never ...

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