

Labour Day: B.C. seniors need our support

This Labour Day, members of the Hospital Employees’ Union are joining Canadians across the country in celebrating the contributions working people make towards building a healthier, fairer, more equitable society. But as we enjoy the holiday with family and friends, let’s remember the hard-won accomplishments our seniors have...

Is climate change just a fable?

“Waiting for others to act is not a solution – it compounds the problem. Taking refuge in the status quo because others refuse to change is not an answer. It’s avoiding responsibility and being generationally selfish.” – quote from 2008 Throne Speech   Christy Clark’s new B.C. Climate Leadership plan is beyond bland. It is ...

Car crashes up? Not so fast

It's here somewhere. Licence, car registration fees to drop 35 per cent in 2016. No, that's Quebec. Average passenger vehicle owner would pay an additional $17 a year in premiums. Nope, that's Manitoba. Auto Fund rate stabilization reserve hits $377 million – highest ever, $65 million profit in 2015. No, that's Saskatchewan....

Editorial Rant: Speculative Science, Planet Nine, and Space Junk

Science is wonderful.  It helps us uneducated but interested lay people to a basic understanding of some of the mysteries of the world around us, and the more distant parts of the known universe as well.  This reduces our need to rely on weird fantasy stories, confabulation and so on, to explain those things that would otherwise...

Op/Ed: A Labour Day Message from the West Kootenay Labour Council (WKLC)

For Canada’s unions, Labour Day (Monday, September 5) is a day to celebrate our work and our everyday victories we win to make life better for everyone.  It is also a day to focus on the work ahead and the improvements yet to be won. Union’s believe in the necessity of good pensions for everyone.  For nearly a decade we...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Electoral Reform, and a Cycle Tour of the Riding

As summer winds down, our thoughts naturally turn to back-to-school shopping and back-to-work after a break for a good Canadian summer. I’ll be going back to Ottawa in September to resume work on all the issues before Parliament; one of the major issues we will be discussing is electoral reform.  In last year’s campaign, both...

Letter: How do privately owned prisons compare with privately owned senior facilities?

To The Editor: I have been trying to increase public awareness of the poor quality of care that our seniors receive in facilities with the hope that more people will raise their voices against this outrage, to our provincial government. The Senior Advocates reports verify that the quality of care is declining due in part to...

Opinion: Electoral Reform -- What System Should We Have?

On Thursday, September 1, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Fireside Inn at 1810 Eighth Avenue in Castlegar, this riding's Member of Parliament will host a Town Hall meeting on Electoral  Reform.  As with any Town Hall meeting on any topic, the outcomes of such a meeting are more likely to be useful if people attending have done...

COLUMN: On Inequality and Hierarchy

We deserve equal rights, though we are not equally-talented beings “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” I think very few readers cannot identify this ringing phrase from the American Declaration of Independence,...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Site C and Treaty 8

On February 18th of this year a group of First Nations activists came to Ottawa to speak to the government about the Site C dam project on the Peace River.  They met with myself and other MPs in the BC NDP caucus to discuss their attempts to delay construction of the dam until the concerns of their people were heard in federal...

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