

COLUMN: A Blow to Regional Collaboration

Over the last couple of years many elected officials in our region have been trying hard to improve collaboration and cooperation between our various local governments. Unfortunately, the region has just experienced a major setback. One area that was a sparkling example of regional cooperation was the economic development...


A recent scathing opinion piece by Murray Dobbin outlined the shortcomings of food in some health care facilities administered by the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCHA). Both the quality and the quantity of the food served were reported as inadequate, even for institutional food which is understandably challenging to...


It has long been well known that fine particulates and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) containing carcinogens, including benzene and other toxic chemicals, are released from wood burning stoves and that these are a proven serious health hazard.  However, what is not widely known is the scale or magnitude of the impact of...

Op/Ed: Why your stuff turns to junk so fast (and cooks the planet)

Note:  This article was originally posted on the Worldwatch Institute blog. Worldwatch is an independent research organization based in Washington, D.C. that works on energy, resource, and environmental issues. Much of the energy of the environmental movement and of policymaking is focused on reducing greenhouse gas...

COLUMN: 'World Class' Oil Spill Response a Failure

In July, a pipeline leak near Maidstone, Saskatchewan, spilled about 250,000 litres of diluted oil sands bitumen into the North Saskatchewan River, killing wildlife and compromising drinking water for nearby communities, including Prince Albert. It was one of 11 spills in the province over the previous year. In October, a...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Forestry and Trade Wars

The forest industry has been a critically important sector in the BC economy for over a century, but it has been hit hard.  A 30-year trade war with the United States cost our industry billions of dollars.  The softwood lumber agreement did bring back certainty to lumber export access and costs, but the Canadian industry paid...

Victoria's pricey secrets

Just how far is the B.C. government willing to go to guard its secrets? A great distance, if the 2012 health ministry firings are any indication. Four million documents linked to the firings have mysteriously materialized out of thin air for the latest investigation into the scandal, this one by B.C. ombudsperson Jay Chalke....

Acting on Your Values

“Our efforts to change ourselves and to change the environment are both necessary, but one can’t happen without the other.” – Thich Nhat Hanh   Behaviours, beliefs, and values are the tools for making good choices, especially when you’re trying to change the world. Participants in the fifth Nelson Interfaith Climate Action ...

COLUMN: 'Collective cowardice' on climate change

Scientists worldwide accept that Earth is warming at an unusually rapid rate, that humans are primarily responsible, mainly by burning fossil fuels, and that the consequences for humanity will be disastrous if we don’t take immediate, widespread action. The U.S. Defense Department calls climate change a security risk “because...

Want to influence our federal government? Here's one way to make an attempt.

The Candian Environmental Protection Act is under review by a committee of the House of Commons.  Citizens are invited to comment -- in the form of written "briefs."  There are guidelines for these briefs, accessible via a link in the material pasted in below.  Are you worried about foxes guarding hen-houses in terms of our...

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