

Do you know who the B.C. government is giving tax breaks to?

They’re the stories that tug at us. Here’s one from Waco, Texas: “My 86 year old mom…is losing her money to these people who promise her in order to accept her “sweepstakes” she has to keep sending them money for processing fees. She suffers from dementia and this company is taking advantage of her. Someone […]

COLUMN: Face to face meetings and international trade disputes

Last Monday I travelled to Washington, DC with Tracey Ramsey, the NDP critic for International Trade.  I was there in my role as NDP critic for Natural Resources, and we were both there to talk about softwood lumber with senators, congressmen and their staff. We had a full day of meetings on Tuesday, going from office to...

Opinion: Misleading claims about 'green' products and what to do about them

By Gaelle Gourmelon; article from WorldWatch Institute You’re standing at the store, a bottle of shampoo in each hand. Your gaze circles from one label to the other, and your mind runs 10 simultaneous comparisons to decide which bottle you’ll bring home. Blue is, after all, your favorite color. And this label does...

Opinion: If Saskatchewan Can Build a Geothermal Plant, Why Can't BC?

By Carol Linnett.  This article is from DeSmog Canada. While news of Saskatchewan’s plan for a small geothermal power plant was met with excitement by renewable energy advocates,  experts say British Columbia is far better situated to capitalize on the technology yet has failed to do so. “It should be a little bit of a shock...

COLUMN: Can We Agree Not To Wage Nuclear War?

Editor's Note:  Last year, some of us were privileged to hear Sachi Komura Rummel, a survivor of the 1945 Hiroshima nuclear bomb, speak about her experiences. In choosing an illustration for this column by our Member of Parliament, I could have chosen a splendid, colourful shot of an incandescent nuclear-bomb mushroom cloud...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: On #Chrissysentme and community care

COLUMN: Protecting Oceans is Paying Off -- For Everyone

Do you remember Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak? It turns out wizards aren’t the only ones who can vanish from sight with a special coat. Marine researchers have discovered shrimp-like crustaceans called hyperiids that can hide in the open using internal nanotechnology to cloak themselves in invisibility. That’s just one ...

Is the Fraser Institute Misleading Canadians About Taxes? Read This and Decide.

The Broadbent Institute and the Fraser Institute come up with different figures when analyzing the "tax burden" of Canadians.  There's a report produced by statistitian Richard Shillington and economist Robin Shaban for the Broadbent Institute that explains the differences: "The Brass Tax: Busting Myths About Overtaxed...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Our Italian Community

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of taking in Trail Silver City Days festivities: the pageant, the parade, and more.  The people of Trail proudly celebrated their history that weekend, and that history has a distinctly Italian flavour, with a spaghetti-eating contest, grape stomp, and bocce tournament.

COLUMN: Why we need to reconnect with nature

The notion that we must conquer or dominate nature has governed human behaviour for a relatively short period of our 150,000-year history on this 4.5-billion-year-old planet. It’s an understandable impulse. Our intelligence and foresight allowed us to develop complex societies, and gave us a sense of control over our existence...

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