

Column: Our Member of Parliament introduces a Motion

Today NDP Natural Resources Critic Richard Cannings, MP (South Okanagan – West Kootenay) announced the tabling of motion M-119, calling on the Liberal government to re-introduce the EcoENERGY Home Retrofit program....

The first 500 Days in office: promises, promises -- broken promises

 By James Wilt | DeSmog Canada Reconcile with Indigenous peoples. Make elections fairer. Invest many more billions in public transit and green infrastructure. Take climate change seriously....

Party hack screams hacked

Splat. It would seem British Columbia's 41st general election is well underway. The uproar this week over news that someone may have hacked the B.C. Liberal party's website is a harbinger of things to come, so fasten your seat belts. Lost in the charges and counter-charges over the alleged hack is a characteristic most hackers...

Social Licence and Political Process: Democracy in the Streets, in the Media and in Electoral Institutions

What does democracy look like? Protest and Legitimacy...

Column: Understanding Climate Change Means Reading Beyond the Headlines

Seeing terms like “post-truth” and “alternative facts” gain traction in the news convinces me that politicians, media workers and readers could benefit from a refresher course in how science helps us understand the world. Reporting on science is difficult at the best of times. Trying to communicate complex ideas and distil ...

Editorial: Medical Assistance in Dying

The Rossland Telegraph interviewed a local doctor  (let's call this person "Dr. X") to learn what people in our area suffering from "grievous and irremediable" conditions that result in enduring and intolerable suffering can expect if they conclude that they want to have medical assistance in dying (MAID). ...

A Resister’s Guide

“Government was intended to suppress injustice, but its effect has been to embody and perpetuate it.” – William Godwin Like Henry David Thoreau, I heartily agree with the motto – “That government is best which governs least”. When one considers the long list of problems that our governments have tried unsuccessfully to resolve,...

Column: Work Less, Live Better

Since the 1950s, almost everything about work in the developed world has changed dramatically. Rapid technological advances continue to render many jobs obsolete. Globalization has shifted employment to parts of the world with the lowest costs and standards. Most households have gone from one income-earner to at least two. ...

Opinion: Restrictions on Smoking Outdoors?

(Editor's Note:  The article below is contributed by the Canadian Cancer Society.  Readers should note that on January 9, 2017, the City of Trail  adopted Bylaw #2821, which restricts outdoor smoking.  It says:  " 2.1.  No person shall smoke: (a) In any Park; (b) At or within 6.0 metres of a Recreation Facility;  (c) At an ...

Editorial: Abortion, Foreign Aid, and Health Care

Following the Women's March on Washington and supporting marches in thousands of centres internationally, women's rights and their health and well-being globally have just taken a severe blow....

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