

LETTER: In opposition to Kinder Morgan

To The Editor: I was appalled to hear that the Prime Minister intends to provide a Texas extraction company with billions of tax dollars to foist their dirty pipeline on a reluctant province.  First of all, the Trudeau government has no such mandate.  This government pledged to be a proactive partner in the fight against...

OP/ED: Veteran politician speaks to realities of being on city council

Are you thinking about running in the next Municipal election? First and foremost, I say congratulations for wanting to put your name forward. Second, do not be naive as to what is needed from you, and Third, you can no longer say that you are not a politician. The hours vary but, as an example, I put in more than 20 hours ...

Thought: Want to Feel Unique? Believe in the Reptile People

By Roland Imhoff, Professor of Social and Legal Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany. From Aeon, a registered charity committed to the spread of knowledge and a cosmopolitan worldview. Edited by Sam Dresser. The internet is full of wild-eyed insinuation. Seemingly accidental events are not actually...

Editorial: On the voting age in BC

Readers may have noted that the overwhelming response to the current opinion poll on the voting age in BC opined that “16-year-olds are still too immature to vote responsibly.” Given some of the electoral decisions made by adult registered voters, one may wonder if adults are also too immature to vote responsibly. No, I’m not...

COLUMN: Audit exposes Canadian climate failures

Scientists, academics, environmentalists and communicators have urged governments to take the climate crisis seriously for decades. We’ve outlined the overwhelming evidence, generated discussion and offered myriad solutions. We’ve confronted politicians who refuse to accept that a problem exists, or that we can do anything ...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Proud of my paramedics, ashamed of my community's treatment of them

Even I got snowed into thinking, at first, that the announcement of four new full-time paramedic positions in Castlegar is good news. Now, I’m torn between feeling heartsick, outraged, and not a little ashamed. In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll start with the positive aspects of this announcement. The community paramedic...

COLUMN: A Fork in the Road -- Canadians' Privileged Choice?

There is a war between the rich and poor,  A war between the man and the woman.  There is a war between the ones who say there is a war  And the ones who say there isn't.Why don't you come on back to the war, that's right, get in it,  Why don't you come on back to the war, it's just beginning. Why don't you come on back to ...

Use essential oils with caution: some contain endocrine disruptors

A new study has found that lavender oil and tea tree oil contain endocrine disruptors, and their use has been linked to the abnormal development of breast tissue in young boys. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the normal production and function of hormones. Essential oils are generally regarded as pleasant...

COLUMN: SUVs and trucks nullify car efficiency gains

When the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency increased safety and environmental standards for cars in the 1970s, automakers responded. Although they had to adhere to the new rules, they didn’t base their entire response on safety or pollution concerns. Instead, they looked for loopholes. Under the U.S. Clean Air Act, vehicle...

Editorial thoughts before World Water Day: oceans, breathing, and the Permian extinction

How do the oceans affect life in the Kootenays? With World Water Day coming up on March 22, let’s think, not only about how lucky we are to have enough fresh water, but also about how vast and distant saltwater oceans affect us all, everywhere. Many people have viewed the video clip of a diver swimming near Bali through a sea...

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