

Column: Can one person influence our culture for the better?

Introduction: topics committed, topics mapped “I will probably write the next column with the intent to persuade readers that the human project demands that non-conforming individuals challenge culture more and more, as culture more and more escapes our understanding, our ethics and morality, and our capacity to regulate it....

Editorial: Our Mistaken Society

Can an entire society be mistaken in its values and habits?  Can the economic basis of a society lead to the destruction of our way of life and all that supports it?  Judging by what our global society is undergoing right now, the answer is yes.  Can we change our erroneous ways, and if we can change them, can we change them...

RANT: The only time I've ever been ashamed of Castlegar

As I get older, I find there are fewer and fewer things I’m willing to get upset about – hence the lack of editorial rants of late. There is, however, one issue that has me so incensed, so appalled, so disgusted, so flat-out ashamed, that it’s taken me weeks to write about it without using some of the more colourful (and less...

Column: We need to heal a great divide

Canadian climate change opinion is polarized, and research shows the divide is widening.The greatest predictor of people’s outlook is political affiliation. This means people’s climate change perceptions are being increasingly driven by divisive political agendas rather than science and concern for our collective welfare....

Opinion: New to Rossland? How to be happier here

Let’s start with something simple: walking down the street. If you have moved to Rossland from a larger centre in the past little while, you may be accustomed to walking eyes-forward, avoiding looking at people, as if eye contact with a stranger could be dangerous, and greeting a stranger even more dangerous. Or you may be ...

Opinion: The problem with exempting major projects from environmental assessment

By  Ben Parfitt, from The Narwhal When a public regulator repeatedly makes major decisions that favour corporate interests — quietly and behind closed doors — we have a problem. British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment Office bills itself as a “neutral” provincial agency. But there is...

Editorial: Is anyone still undecided about the referendum? UPDATED

As pointed out by Dermod Travis of Integrity BC, there’s been lot written recently, both for and against proportional representation.  For those having trouble deciding how to vote, try the link provided at the bottom of this piece. Some of what we've all seen has been outright false.  Claims that rural ...

Column: Orcas

News about orca mother Tahlequah carrying her dead newborn for 17 days through the Salish Sea this summer was heartbreaking, and rightfully captured the world’s attention. It highlighted the plight of one of Canada’s most endangered marine mammals. The southern resident killer whale (orca) population has dropped by 25 per...

Op/Ed: Believing Without Evidence is Always Morally Wrong

Editor's Note: In this age of fake news, when politicians are allowed to lie with impunity -- perhaps even encouraged to lie, because they appear to get good results by lying -- how are people reading the news, or social media, where bizarre fake news abounds -- to know what to believe? For that matter, is it ever a good idea...

Letter: It's not just about fairness; an Ontario citizen cautions BC voters

So far, most of the discussion about Proportional Representation (PR) has focused on fairness. Without a proportional voting system, there’s no way to make every vote count equally. But there are other reasons to adopt it, arguably as valid: it would bring social and financial stability and cut waste. In elections using...

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