

Column: International Energy Agency report provides a challenging 'roadmap'

Thirty-three years ago, NASA scientist James Hansen told a U.S. congressional committee the agency was 99 per cent certain a global warming trend was not natural, but caused by a buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly from burning fossil fuels.  “Global warming has reached a level such that we can ascribe with...

MP Richard Cannings speaks to ongoing housing crisis

Canada is in the middle of a housing crisis, and the south Okanagan, Boundary and West Kootenay areas are very much in the middle of that crisis.  This is an urgent and rapidly growing problem that demands the cooperation and priority of all levels of government. The crisis has emerged out of a perfect storm of factors....

Column: What lasts? Part Two

                              [To review Part One, click this link] Economy and capital The meaning of capital in economics is a subject with a vast literature and I am certainly not qualified to analyse it as well as experts in the field. So I will recommend three authors and leave it at that. Charles Eisenstein has written...

Op/Ed: Interior Health marking Mental Health Awareness Week

COVID-19 has impacted each of us in many ways. One of the areas that we are monitoring closely is mental health. Mental health affects all of us. As we mark the 70th annual Mental Health Awareness Week I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the toll that the ongoing pandemic is having on people’s feelings of stress,...

LETTER: Rossland council distances itself from Mayor's decision, but doesn't want her resignation

To the Citizens of Rossland From Rossland City Council: Rossland Mayor Kathy Moore is currently in the USA. While not breaking any laws, she travelled contrary to current Federal and Provincial Public Health recommendations against non-essential travel which has raised significant concerns in our community. While Mayor Moore...

Letter: COVID-19 cancels Golden City Days

To The Editor: It is with great sadness that we must announce the Cancellation of Rossland Golden City Days and the Rossland Fall Fair. The Golden City Days Committee and the Rossland Fall Fair committee have made the difficult decision to cancel this year's event due to COVID-19.  After discussing the current circumstances...

COLUMN: What lasts?

What Lasts?   A holy Book-- and an unholy $ystem   “... This I know, for the Bible tells me so.”  -- child’s hymn, Jesus loves me   “I am an anti-Christ / I am an anarchist I don’t know what I want / but I know how to get it I want to destroy passersby . . . . . . Your future dream is a shopping scheme.”          -- Sex...

Budget 2021: More promises but everyday Canadians are left holding the bill for the pandemic while the ultra-rich enjoy a free ride

Many struggling Canadians hoped that today’s budget would offer meaningful supports and steps towards recovery. But more than that, they hoped that it would be the ultra-wealthy who have profited from the pandemic who would be paying for these supports, not the workers who have been hit so hard.  According to local MP, Richard...

COLUMN: Invasive, or neo-native?

As human activity continues to heat the planet and destroy wildlife habitat, plants and animals are responding based on their genetic makeup and ability to adapt to altered environments. Some are losing ground, landing on ever-growing species-at-risk lists or winking out altogether. Others are making gains, eking out their ...

COLUMN: Old growth forest, and how much we (don't) have left

[Editor's note:  the map accessed by the link at the beginning of the fourth paragraph from the bottom takes a long time to load, but provides sobering information about the state of BC's forests.] Anyone who’s read the book I wrote with Wayne Grady, Tree: A Life Story, or Peter Wohlleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees, knows...

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