

EDITORIAL: Speaking to the Issues

Whenever a storm starts brewing in our 'Recent Comments' box, the same pattern emerges. An legitimate issue is raised, usually because of a story we've posted or a letter we've received, and Rosslanders are quick to take an interest (how's that for tact?). Quickly, however, things start to get personal. Sound familiar? The ...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Stewardship Society Responds

Dear Editor,The Rossland Telegraph (Apr 21st) and Trail Times (Apr 22nd) both have a letter from Jackie Drysdale alarmed at the creation of the Rossland Stewardship Society. Her premise is that Council is elected to govern the City, undisturbed by public input, at least not from any self-appointed citizens' group.Would you ...


Dear Editor,Ron Campbell said in the interview that his one regret was the approach taken  to extend the municipal boundary to the North.  I don’t believe that it was  the “approach” (although the approach was to rush the thing through  before anyone had a chance to react). It was the fact that the proposal made  no sense to...

COMMENTARY - Uninspired and Undecided

Driving back to Rossland from Castlegar in the warm sunshine, windows down and the new smell of life returning to the flora world, I found my relaxing drive home interrupted by a conversation on CBC radio. I’d been only vaguely listening, but now two politicians were shouting over one another. My attention piqued, I closed ...

EDITORIAL: Let's Think for Ourselves

This week, as you may have read or seen, many Western delegates, including Canada's, at a UN conference on racism in Geneva walked out of a controversial speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. After the walkout, many delegates made statements like the following by the United Kingdom's envoy, Peter Gooderham:"The UK...

Send in the Opticians: BC Does the Election Thing Again

Here at the Telegraph, we have a theory about democracy. It goes like this: the further government gets from the local, the worse it works. Why? A number of reasons. Temptations of money, power, and ego are all magnified at the provincial or national levels even as the ability to communicate meaningfully diminishes. Not for...

EDITORIAL: Toddling Along At Six Months Old

It’s been six months since we launched the Rossland Telegraph. A long time? Yes. A short time? That too: for us how long it’s been depends on how close we are to our Thursday put-out-the-latest-issue deadline. From our perspective, though, things couldn’t have gone any better than they have so far. In fact, it’s been a blast....

EDITORIAL: The Galloway Ban

This week, British Member of Parliament George Galloway was denied entry into Canada under Canada’s anti-terrorism legislation. Galloway, a vociferous supporter of the Palestinian people, was banned from entering Canada because of his public support for Hamas (and criticism of Israel). Galloway is not some sort of fringe-ish,...

EDITORIAL: Rossland Went to the Dogs A Long Time Ago

A shocking revelation this week, as new research into Mountain Kingdom archives reveals a dark truth from Rossland’s storied history. Look closely at the photograph which accompanies this editorial (to see the image properly, open the file attachment at the end of this editorial). Gaze upon Rossland, clutched in the icy grip...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Hmmmm...That Smell

Dear editor, I was walking along Centennial Trail the other day and as I approached the water treatment plant from a westerly direction, I was enveloped in the smell of shit, and not very good shit, I might add! Where could this smell be coming from, I asked myself? My suspicions were immediately aroused by the presence of ...

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