

SHE SAID: Climate change debunkers need reality check

To oppose Bill C-311, a climate change legislation passed in the House of Commons on May 5, you must first reject the concept of climate change… so let’s start there, shall we? Can you find scientists to debunk the current modern reality that is climate change? Sure you can! You can also find scientists who’ll […]

COMMENT: Local schools still teach erroneous information about Columbus and 'flat earth'

 It came to my attention last evening that the myth that Columbus was setting out to prove wrong the persistent belief of his time that the earth was flat is still being taught as history in our schools, even right here in Rossland, and I thought I'd shed some light on the situation. 20th century scholars have discredited the...

SHE SAID: New impaired laws a thinly-veiled cash grab

When I saw B.C. was taking a hard-line stance against impaired driving, I wanted to cheer …I was delighted. Turns out, I should’ve reserved judgment until I had more of the facts. I’m all for throwing the book at recidivistic drunk drivers – in fact, I think it should’ve been done years ago. Why wait […]

Ensuring Your Emails Get Read

How many times have you sent email and never heard a reply? If the person at the other end is ducking you, there’s nothing I can do. Sometimes, though, it’s just a case of too many emails and yours getting deleted. There are a few things you can do to reduce the chances of your […]

KEEPING IT REAL: 'Little Flower' mindset can sow weeds

Another Monday, and more than a million British Columbians head off to work: to earn a living,  pursue careers, provide services for clients, satisfy their own desire to contribute to society and share the stories and challenges of their lives with their closest co-workers. Lisa Reimer, however, is forced to stay home. From everything I can see, […]

OP/ED: Ignatieff blunders compounded

Iggy…Iggy…Iggy… What are you thinking? Hurt by condemnation that his party had deserted the gun control measures it initially put in place, and still stinging from an abortion gaffe that saw Liberal MPs break ranks and divulge that his party is less pro-choice than it acts, Michael Ignatieff has decided he won’t make the same […]

KEEPING IT REAL: The real HST fight is to save our democracy

I will sign the anti-HST referendum petition. That doesn’t mean I think the HST is a bad way of regulating our tax structure or bettering our economy: it does mean I see protection and preservation of the integrity of our democratic system as a much higher priority. Right from the start, I have always said I was willing to […]

OP/ED: Abortion policy all wrong

I cannot believe that the Conservative government is refusing to include access to contraceptives and safe abortions as part of their pledge of working towards improving maternal health worldwide at this year’s G8 summit in June. It’s beyond my comprehension how it is possible to improve maternal health unless you are willing to include the […]

ATAMANENKO: Immigration

New immigrants to Canada face a number of challenges in their lives. While they are adjusting to a new country, a new community and a new culture with new habits, they may also be struggling to find how they can best apply their skills to the Canadian job market. Immigrants with professional credentials from their […]

Growing Rossland’s Economy 3: The magic formula

Ahh, the great challenge that faces all tax-collecting governments in our society – balancing taxes with services provided. Most people desire and occasionally demand lower taxes. On the other hand, most people also want more services, be they snow clearing, recreation programs, donations to service groups, or fixing leaky ...

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